“Building online profiles is more important than ever so learn how to build your virtual footprint.”

IEEE Women in Engineering, Victoria Section, IEEE University of Melbourne Women in Engineering Affinity Group, and IEEE Computer Society are pleased to co-host a virtual event on “Building Online Profiles“. Join us on Thursday 30th July, 5-6 pm to hear advice and ask your questions from prominent experts.

Objectives: Are you looking for a position in academia or industry? Do you want to stand out from the crowd of many others with similar expertise? Are the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions affecting your network improvement? In this online session, researchers and specialists will share the importance of having an active profile and effectively using online platforms to showcase your work, connect to other like-minded people, and finding new opportunities.

When: 30th July 2020 (Thursday),  5 PM to 6 PM AEST
Free registration Link: https://building_online_profile.eventbrite.com.au 
Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/287388552485119
Zoom Link to join: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/95097965574?pwd=eitKZ1ZSajBiZUFheVhPbWs0RmhhUT09