The IEEE BUBT Student Branch of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to promoting professionalism among power engineering students and is a student chapter affiliated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Article I – Name
Section 1: Name
The organization’s title will be IEEE BUBT Student Branch at Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).
Article II – Purpose
Section 1: Purpose
The purposes of the be IEEE BUBT Student Branch shall be as follows:
1. To promote excellence in engineering and the role of engineers in developing the quality of life.
2. To encourage professionalism and professional registration among power engineering students and engineering staff, and to instil a code of engineering ethics in the engineering community.
3. To develop and implement activities that promoting awareness of career opportunities and the role of professional engineers in society.
4. To provide orientation and guidance for new power engineering students by providing a communication link with other students and an opportunity to work for common goals.
5. To work as a coordinating body with other technical societies on campus to produce integrated extra-curricular activities particularly
6. To develop the funds necessary to achieve these purposes.
7. To uphold the vision and traditions of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).
8. To engage in such other activities as might be consistent with and reasonably related to the purposes previously described in this Article.
Section 2: Compliance
The IEEE BUBT Student Branch shall be in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE.
Article III – Membership
Section 1: Full Membership shall be limited to undergraduate and graduate students of the Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).
Section 2: Full Membership shall consist of Student Members and Graduate Student Members of the IEEE.
Section 3: Branch Members consist of Full Members and Honorary Members.
Section 4: Membership and participation in the Branch activities shall be free from discrimination based on any and all of the following: gender, race, religion, disability, or harassment orientation.
Article III – Officers
Section 1: The Officers of the Branch shall be:
- The Chairperson
- The Vice-Chairperson (Activity)
- The Vice-Chairperson (Technical)
- General Secretary
- Joint General Secretary
- Treasurer
- Event Co-Ordinator (Activity)
- Event Co-Ordinator (Logistics)
- Web Master
- Publication Secretary
- Social Media Co-Ordinator
Section 2: Only Full Members who are undergraduate or graduate students in Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences (FEAS) in good standing shall be eligible to hold office. Only one Officer position can be held. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office.
Section 3: The term of office shall be one year and shall begin on January 1 of each year.
Article IV – Executive
Section 1: The management of the affairs of the Branch shall be in the hands of the Executive, consisting of the Officers of the Branch and the Branch Counselor, who is appointed by the IEEE. The Branch Chair shall also chair the Executive.
Section 2: The Executive shall be the governing body of the Branch and shall transact all business it deems advisable, including the filling of vacancies in offices, authorization of expenditure, etc.
The duties of the Executive include but are not limited to:
- Operating the day-to-day affairs of the Branch.
- Acting as liaison between the Branch and any outside organization.
- Submitting one annual report per Executive member.
- Recruiting volunteers’ assistance as deemed necessary.
- Submitting a written report to the Executive for all events for which he/she was responsible for, within 2 weeks of each event.
Article V – Duties of Officers.
- The Chairperson ensures all actions required for the smooth operation of the organization are accomplished.
- This person is also responsible for mediating problems within the organization as well as giving a clear and precise vision of the future development.
- This person shall certify that officers are meeting or exceeding goals set forth for each semester.
- Hold regular meetings of the Branch Executive Committee.
- Complete Annual activity report to IEEE Nationals.
- Report officers via vtools to IEEE Nationals.
- Name is on the bank account.
- Ensure smooth transition between new administrations.
Vice Chairperson:
- The role of the Vice- Chairperson is to assist the Chairperson in his/her tasks and duties.
- The Vice- Chairperson also helps in the recruitment of new members and helps advertise the organization.
- This person also helps the other members with their duties when the need arises.
- Perform all functions of the branch Chairperson if the branch Chairperson is absent.
- Keep detailed minutes of each meeting.
- Maintain the membership roster (active and non-active.)
- Be responsible for all correspondence.
- Maintain a binder of all board activities and email outlines, flyers, etc.
Arrange for an orderly transfer of records.
- Maintain the appropriate financial accounts and ensure all documents are accurate and up-to-date.
- Ensure the new Chairperson, Counsellor, and/or new treasurer have signatures on the account
- Prepare an annual budget report to be sent into IEEE nationals
- Oversee all fundraising efforts
- Arrange for an orderly transfer of all financial records to the incoming treasure.
Event Coordinator:
- As the officer in charge of social events, it is their duty to set up Bi-weekly meetings, although this job can be dispersed to every member.
- More importantly, it is up to this officer to look into IEEE events held throughout surrounding communities.
- These events are can be found on the IEEE website and are more formal than our branches weekly meetings.
Social Media Coordinator
- As the publicity officer, it is their duty to make posters specific to each weekly event, and hang them up.
- They are also in charge of any announcements the club has including the newsletter.
- They may use various forms of communication to get this information out to members like email and discord.
- This is to specifically target other students who are interested in electronics and electrical engineering.
- Administrator on all of the organization’s internet platforms i.e., website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc.
- Keeping all of the content on the website and social media platforms up-to-date.
Article VI – Activities
Section 1: Planning
The Branch Leadership is responsible for creating a tentative schedule of Branch activities for the duration of a semester prior to the start of that semester.
The schedule shall declare meeting times, dates of activities, and the schedule of related events.
This schedule shall be dictated primarily by the Branch Leadership with the review of Branch Counsellor.
Section 2: Officer Meetings
Officer meetings shall be held once a week to oversee scheduled events and coordinate upcoming activities. The objective of the officer meetings is to allow the Branch Leadership to plan and decide on upcoming Branch activities. Officer meetings allow each Branch Leader to share open ideas on branch decisions while the President holds jurisdiction. The officer meetings are held exclusively to the Branch Leadership.
Section 3: General Meetings
General meetings held biweekly to promote the Branch and relevant material. General meetings seek to recruit new members of the Branch while offering insight on Branch developments and its related fields. Exemptions of general meetings may occur during university holidays and breaks. General meetings are open to the public.
Section 4: Other Activities
The Branch Leadership may offer other Branch related activities in compliance with all rules and regulations of the governing bodies. These activities may include company tours, regional events, Branch conferences, and developments in research/skills of the Branch.
Article VI – Amendments
Section 1: Amendment Process
In order to amend this Constitution, potential amendments shall be submitted to Branch Officers for review. If deemed appropriate, the Branch Officers will then subject the potential amendments for review by the Branch Membership. After a two-thirds vote in favour of the amendment, the amendment will be reviewed once more by the Branch Officers who will then decide with their own vote. If a two-thirds vote in favour of the amendment by the Branch Officers is found, then the amendment will officially be joined to this Constitution.
If the potential amendments fail either by the vote from the Membership or by the vote from the Officers, it will be shelved for the duration of two weeks in which a Member, be that an Officer or not, of the Chapter may submit it for review of the Branch Officers to begin the process once more. Upon failing either vote a subsequent time, the potential amendments will be shelved for the duration of one year in which only an Officer may bring it up for vote once more until the period of one year has passed.
Article VII – Bylaws
Section 1: Existing Documents
The Branch officers will maintain a set of governing rules, which will be called the “Bylaws.” These will provide further explanation of the internal rules and regulations as referred to in the Constitution.
Section 2: Modification
The Branch officers can modify the contents of the Bylaws with a majority approval of the e-board. These modifications must be discussed at the officer meetings and after a successful vote will be taken into effect immediately.
Article VIII – Dissolution
Section 1: Terms of Dissolution
The Branch shall dissolve upon request of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).
Section 2: Disbursement of Funds
In the circumstance of Dissolution of the Branch, any financial accounts held by the Branch will dissipate. Any outstanding debts will be paid and any remaining funds will be donated to Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).
Article IX – Finances
The IEEE BUBT Student Branch at Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) shall have an off-campus bank account through any bank. All funds will be stored in this bank account. The names on the bank account will be the Chairperson’s, the Treasurer’s, and the Counsellor’s. The treasurer and the Chairperson will be in charge of the finances. This organization will follow and be subject to all University policies, procedures, and practices regarding student organization accounts and finances.
Article X– Ratification
Ratification of the original constitution will be achieved by a majority vote of the acting officers, as well as the approval of the current Counsellor.