
De Arend 14/1
8210 Zedelgem

Contact:       Yassine Benômar –
Registratie:  De student kan zich aanmelden via t.a.v. Yana Feyers.


In recent years, the global goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has pushed the automotive industry to transition from ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles to EV’s (Electric Vehicles). Even though the function of the powertrain (providing power to the wheels) remains the same, the involved technology is completely different. As much as for ICE vehicles, key factors for an EV in the high-performance segment continue to be performance and driving range. These translate directly into Emotor requirements in terms of: efficiency, torque and speed capability. The different approaches of OEMs to tackle these challenging requirements resulted in a broad range of Emotors with different stator and rotor topologies.


The goal of this thesis/research is to benchmark a series of Emotors that originate from commercial EVs using MotorCAD software. The candidate autonomously work with the technical staff to measure and enter the geometry in software and analysing key design aspects of different Emotors.

Approach: Starting with a literature study on the different types of Emotors used in modern EVs and their fundamental working principles, the candidate will present a comparative analysis of the available Emotors at TREMEC, based on overall dimensions and performances. The candidate will then proceed to draw a selection of available Emotors in MotorCAD and quantitatively compare their performances in terms of torque, speed, losses, and cost. Finally, the candidate will conduct sensitivity analyses to try to identify key design parameters and areas of improvement for the current generation of Emotors.