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AI & Entrepreneurship

KU Leuven - Brugge Spoorwegstraat 12, Brugge

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the business world, offering entrepreneurs powerful tools to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and create new products and services. On Wednesday, March 29th, IEEE Student Branch KU Leuven Campus Brugge, ENTR8000, and Turbo join forces to organize a seminar on AI in Entrepreneurship. The event will feature three entrepreneurs who will share how they use / will use AI to drive innovation and growth. The seminar will end with a networking opportunity, accompanied with a snack and a drink, to further discuss this exciting topic. Everyone who is interested is welcome to attend the event, but registration is required. We are already looking forward to it! The seminar will be given in English.  Speakers TOQUA is a Ghent-based startup that uses AI to reduce fuel consumption by ships and consequently reduce emissions in the maritime sector. Shipping is currently a very polluting sector, and the switch to alternative energy sources may take years. That's why TOQUA decided to investigate how impact can already be made in the meantime. They use AI to determine which route ships should take. Depending on currents, weather conditions, etc. they determine the best route at a given moment. They also examine the hull of a ship, to predict when a ship needs to come out of the water for cleaning. The growth of mussels, for example, creates resistance in the water, which leads to increased fuel consumption. Tekst.ai develops software that immediately forwards incoming emails to the right place for handling using AI. The algorithm behind the tool not only analyzes the subject of the email, but also the language and even the "sentiment" of the message. As a result, angry emails can immediately end up with the colleague with the most patience, for example. Marple data is a company that develops software allowing engineers to process and analyze data more quickly. "We focus on the quick and seamless conversion of large measurement data files into clear graphs," says Matthias Baert, one of the founders of Marple, in a press release. To achieve this, the software concentrates on combining data management, data visualization, and big data processing. Currently, they do not use AI, but they are considering doing so.

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