Prize Information

The TechnologIEEE Award consists of a monetary prize with a value of €250. This money will be transferred to the winner at maximum one month after the proclamation.

Requirements to apply

  • Thesis presentation must happen in June 2024
  • Graduation must happen in the summer of 2024
  • The student must be of one of the following programs:
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Brugge)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Brugge)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Gent)
    • Master of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry (Bruges)
    • Master of Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry (Bruges et al)

Evaluation Criteria

The master thesis will be evaluated based on 3 important criteria:

  • Innovation and creativity
  • Method and maturity
  • Language and communication

Innovation and creativity

  • Innovativity of the topic of the master thesis
  • Innovativity of the solution to the main thesis statements
  • Creativity of the input originating from the student
  • Creativity of the used methods

Method and maturity

  • The results are obtained using well structured high quality methods
  • The used methods are well described
  • The maturity of the results allow an impact on current and future (industrial) markets
  • The maturity of the results contribute to scientific insights and knowledge

Language and communication

  • A scientific decent language has been used
  • Communication of the main messages without linguistic errors
  • The methods are formulated in a well-structured way
  • The ideas and results are formulated in a well-structured way

Submit your Thesis

Submission deadline: 3rd of June

Submissions closed