Gen-Start Pitching Competition

This competition evaluates selected teams for the international IEEE R8 fifth Entrepreneurship Week 2023/24.Global Entrepreneurship Week connects entrepreneurs worldwide through numerous events, activities, and competitions held every November.
Three best teams from E-JUST will be selected to compete in the regional pitch competition semi-finals, then, 5 – 10 startups will be selected to compete in the final
Finals will be held at a high-class IEEE international event such as IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals Congress or Rising Stars conference, and possibly outside IEEE, such as Web Summit or Wolves Summit
Pitch Competition criteria
Startup team should have at least one IEEE member (encouraged, but not required)
Important note: an IEEE member means an individual who paid the membership not a volunteer
Startup should showcase traction, i.e., have an MVP, dummy / demo app, business plan, initial market interest or any source of traction and commitment to their venture
The topic should be linked to sustainability and the IEEE mission to advance technology for humanity (e.g., renewable energy, smart cities, energy and resource efficiency, recycling, smart agriculture)
Only the Team leader is required to fill the form
We value:
Innovative: The startup brings forward a new technology, adds to an existing technology, or uses a new application for an existing technology
Scalability: The startup has room to grow its value proposition (i.e. additional applications) or its market (e.g. geographically, sector wise, industry wise, etc.)
Impact: The startup creates positive impact for its community, clients, and users, and champions sustainable engineering
Market feasibility: The startup has the potential to, or has demonstrated its ability to enter the market and gain market share
Business potential: The startup has the potential to, or has demonstrated its ability to sustain a profitable business operation

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