IEEEBIG is the biggest annual event of the IEEE ITS Student Branch which was first held this year. In IEEEBIG itself will contain many things, such as hands on training, community service, essay competition, and company fair. Activities within IEEEBIG will provide many new insights into the world of IoT and photovoltaic solar panels, and the world of professional work.
Think BIG for The Future BIGGEST Step. The theme means that IEEEBIG provides new insights and perspectives to think bigger. This broader insight will lead us to a bigger step forward.

Learning Curriculum 2022/2023
Hi Members! The wait is over… We are presenting Learning Curriculum, Exclusive for The Member of IEEE ITS SB 2022/2023
Now you can access the Curriculum for your Hardskill and Softskill development in Internet of Things (IoT)!
Yups, We bring up this field since it has been High Demanding skill in this Digital Era, along side with ML, Data Analytics, and so on.
We would like to prepare all of you with this amazing learning journey. Check out on our Learning Curriculum File so you can get along with our amazing Mentors!
See you on the set,
Future Endeavors

Video Analytics for Surveillance IoT Applications
The new event from IEEE. Let’s check it out for more informations.
Pre Conference APSAR 2021: Tutorial Series #3
APSAR (Asia-Pasific Conference on Synthetic Apecture Radar) 2021 holds Pre Conference activities with Online Tutorial Series on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) collaborate with IEEE GRSS Technical Committee of Instrumentation and Future Technologies (IFT), IEEE Indonesia Section, and Indonesia Remote Sensing Society (MAPIN) to boosting the knowledge on SAR Technology (SAR hardware and image signal processing) for young scientists and students.