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IEEE day and IEEE Xtreme, October 3rd 2023

October 3, 2023

The University of Dublin Trinity College IEEE Student branch is celebrating IEEE day 2023 by launching IEEE Xtreme in TCD.

In IEEE Xtreme, teams from IEEE Student branches will compete to solve programming challenges in 24 hours. A team is composed of up to 3 IEEE Student or Graduate Student members, but at least one must be a Student member (undergraduate).

We are hoping to form at least one team to participate but multiple teams from the same university can take part. IEEE Xtreme will take place on 28th October 2023. First Prize is a subsidised trip to an IEEE conference of your choice anywhere in the world.

IEEE day is a worldwide event, celebrating the foundation of the IEEE. Although the current incarnation of the IEEE was formed in 1963, it is the successor of many other organisations, the earliest being the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, founded in 1884.

We will celebrate IEEE day with an event hosted in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. We will have an introduction by our Branch Chair, informal discussions between staff and students, launch of the IEEE Xtreme competition and an official unveiling of our program of events for 2023 – 2024 by our Vice-Chair. We plan to have refreshments afterwards.

For more details on IEEE Xtreme, please visit https://ieeextreme.org/ or contact sb-tcd [at] ieee [dot] org

For more details on IEEE Day, please visit https://ieeeday.org or contact sb-tcd [at] ieee [dot] org

Prizes for IEEE Xtreme (from Official Rules):

1st place: The winning team members will receive an expenses-paid trip to an IEEE conference of their choice, anywhere around the world. Round Trip coach airline tickets for each winner from the winner’s preferred major metropolitan airport to the conference destination, conference registration fees, and a three-night hotel stay in a standard room will be provided by IEEE for each winning team member. The maximum value of this prize is $10,000 per team. All expenses not specified above including, but not limited to, baggage fees, ground transportation, meals, beverages, gratuities, incidentals, taxes and any costs in excess of the maximum value of this prize are the sole responsibility of each winning team member. Any unused portion of the prize is not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed as cash. All travel arrangements will be made by Sponsor, whose decisions regarding the itinerary are final. (Alternatives can be provided should travel be restricted.)

2nd place: Each member of the team that wins 2nd place in the IEEEXtreme 14.0 competition will receive a cash award of US$400.

3rd place: Each member of the team that wins 3rd place in the IEEEXtreme 14.0 competition will receive a Cash Award of US$300.

4th-10th place: Each member of the 4th through 10th place team members each receive an Xtreme merchandise bundle and special software gifts from competition sponsors and an Xtreme hoodie.

Top 100: All members of teams that place in the top 100 at the end of the competition will receive an Xtreme gift bundle.

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Trinity College Dublin

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