Posts tagged with: IEEE

EMBS biosensor workshop series

The TCD IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Student Chapter is excited to announce a weekly hands-on workshop series focused on various biosensing and bioinstrumentation techniques. This series will cover topics such as EEG, EMG, MRI and AI in healthcare and medicine. All participants will have …

IEEE TCD student branch welcome evening invitation

We are thrilled to announce the return of the IEEE TCD Student branch, and we have an exciting lineup of events planned for this year!
Kicking things off will be a Mid-Autumn postgraduate welcome evening where you can find out more about the student branch followed …


You are all invited to a talk in ”Engineering and a career in Quantitative Investment Finance” which will be delivered by Dr. Claire Gallagher on Thursday April 4th from 12:00pm -12:50pm in Lecture Theatre LB04, Lloyd Institute, TCD.

You might not think that Engineering could lead …

2024 Threesis news article and video links

Thanks to everybody who took part in or helped organised the Second Threesis competition. Attached are links to a news article, videos and social media posts related to the event. See you all next year for the next edition! :  Article : 3 Minute Video highlights …

Second Trinity IEEE Threesis Competition

The Trinity IEEE Student Branch invites Postgrad students and researchers to participate in our Second Threesis event on Monday, 19th February at 5:00pm in Room 3.19, 3rd Floor, Áras an Phiarsaigh, Trinity College Dublin.
You will have just 3 minutes to present your research in an …

IEEE day and IEEE Xtreme, October 3rd 2023

The University of Dublin Trinity College IEEE Student branch is celebrating IEEE day 2023 by launching IEEE Xtreme in TCD.
In IEEE Xtreme, teams from IEEE Student branches will compete to solve programming challenges in 24 hours. A team is composed of up to 3 IEEE …

TCD EE Tech Talks

The Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, in collaboration with the TCD IEEE Student Branch, have organised a series of four 1-hour noon tech career talks in AAP 2.15. These talks were attended by EE undergrads, taught and research postgrads, staff and alumni.
Thanks very much …

Trinity IEEE Threesis Competition

The Trinity IEEE Student Branch invites postgrad students and researchers to participate in our inaugural Threesis event on Wednesday, 15th February at 5:30pm in Room 2.05, Floor 2, Áras an Phiarsaigh, Trinity College Dublin.
You will have just 3 minutes to present your research in an engaging “sales pitch” …

TCD IEEE LaTeX workshop

The IEEE Student Branch of Trinity College Dublin would like to invite you to the “IEEE LaTeX workshop”. We will be giving an introduction to the TikZ/PGF (generate graphics on LaTeX) and cleveref (Intelligent cross-referencing) packages. The workshop will be hands on, so bring your laptop if you …

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