Know your IEEE Webinar Series

IEEE is known for being the World’s largest technical organization. With its amazingly wide network and professional community, IEEE provides an excellent platform to nourish your career..

We’ve organized a five days webinar series to explore the IEEE community, know the tangible benefits like research and volunteering opportunities for IEEE Members.

Day 1.
Grant, funding, award and scholarship in IEEE.
Day 2.
Impactful stories of IEEE members
Day 3.
Insights to IEEE student branch and chapters.
Day 4.
Engineers in humanitarian’s activities.
Day 5.
Exploring research opportunities in IEEE.

Check our YouTube channel for recorded videos of webinar series

IEEE South Asia Women Leadership Talk Series

Successfully organized IEEE South Asia Women Leadership Talk Series, First of its series and First international event of the branch. A program solely coordinated by womens of IEEE STB AITR.

VLSI Technology Webinar series

VLSI and Embedded Systems SIG of ECE department in association with IEEE student branch of Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research has organized webinar series on rapidly growing VLSI Technology.

Session 1:
Speaker: Dr. Chandrabhan Singh,
Postdoctoral research associate, University of bath, UK
Topic: VLSI: Recent trends

Session 2:
Speaker: Mr. Suryakanta Nayak, ASIC verification Engineer, Hyderabad
Topic: Just a step to semiconductor world

Session 3:
Speaker: Prof. Rajesh Khatri
Associate professor, SGSITS, Indore
Topic: EDA tools for VLSI applications

Recorded videos of webinar series are available at our YouTube channel