School Adoption Program

As a part of IEEE Student branch activity, IEEE students sought permission for conducting further activities like STEM, mentoring teachers & students etc at Kodical Primary School, Kottara Chowki on 06.04.2022.

The main aim of the Visit is to, interact with Faculties & Students. IEEE students Interacted with School students to know the Technical add-on knowledge required along with the Curriculum. Faculty members requested to conduct orientation program to give a idea about latest technologies available for Teaching the students. Students Conducted Various Events like General Quiz, Damb sharads, Pick & Speak Etc. Students took part actively in all the events conducted.




Basics of Arduino Programming (17-02-2023)

The Aim of the event was to teach the Basics of Arduino Programming for the High School  Students of Govt. high School, Koila. In the first session of the workshop, the basics of Microcontroller, Different Types ofArduino available and different application of it was explained. Workshop Mainly Focused
on usage of Arduino UNO. Students were able to identify different pins in the Arduino UNO
and usage of each Pins. Second and Third Sessions were focused on hands-on Sessions. Initially Participants were asked to write a program to blink a LED, followed by series of LED. In the third Session Interfacing of Different was taught and students were able to Interface Temperature, Moisture, Gas, Rain Detector etc Successfully.

Students and Faculty teaching Aurdino programming @GHS, Koila