Sharing Session with CIO Alumni

Introduction of Research & Development Computer Science Department Divisions

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The presentation of the CIO (Computational Intelligence & Optimization) Division by Dr. Medria K. D Hardhienata, S.Komp. as the Head of the CIO

The computer science research division was formed to support the research activities of lecturers and students. There are three research divisions in computer science: CIO, SEIS, and CSN. 

The Importance of Conducting Research

Research is an important thing which will improve living standards, a place to exchange ideas with others, get an atmosphere to discuss together and contribute to science. 

The relationship between the CIO, SEIS, and CSN

CIO divisions consist of the application section (climate modeling, speech recognition, computer vision, geoinformatics, and bioinformatics) and algorithms (machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, agent-based simulation). There is collaboration between divisions such as CIO and SEIS when designing applications where CIO is the AI ​​backend and SEIS takes part in the software engineering

CIO Mandate

Develop methods and apply techniques in Computational Intelligence to solve optimization problems in various fields, especially in agriculture. 


Member of the CIO Division

1. Dr. Sony Hartono Wijaya

Research fields: multi-omics analysis, data science, machine learning, information retrieval, mobile apps, and software engineering.

2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Buono, M.Si, M.Kom

Research fields: Computational intelligence, optimization, speech recognition, climate modeling, and robotics. Prof. Agus often collaborates with the CSN division on robotics. The CIO Division supports the collaboration between IPB and IPB in making melon robots. CIO supports climate modeling and robot optimization algorithms that will be created.

3. Dr. Eng. Annisa, S.Kom, M.Kom

Research fields: Skyline query, data mining, and data management.

4. Dr. Imas S. Sitanggang

Research fields: Spatio-temporal data mining, spatial data analysis, trajectory patterns, data warehouse and OLAP. If anyone is interested in forest fires, you can discuss with Dr. Imas because she researched a lot about the direction of the smog’s movement.

5. Ir. Julio Adisantoso

Research fields: text mining, ontology information retrieval, sentiment analysis. One of them is about determining whether a news is a hoax or not.

6. Lailan S. Hasibuan, S.Kom, M.Kom

Field of research: SNP identification, multi-omics phenotyping. She also collaborates with Pak Sony and Pak Wisnu in the field of Bioinformatics

7. M. Asyhar Agmalaro, S.Si, M.Kom.

Research fields: Radar data modeling and processing, climate modeling, hotspots and pollutants, tomography image reconstruction.

8. Dr. Eng. Wisnu Ananta Kusuma, ST, MT

Research fields: information systems, software engineering, data management (NoSQL DBMS), HPC for Bioinformatics (GPU computing, Map reduce), as well as data mining, graph mining, and machine learning.

9. Dr. Yeni Hardiyeni

Research fields: Biodiversity informatics, field monitoring system, medicinal leaf identification. 

10. Dr. Mushtofa, S.Komp, M.Sc

Research fields: artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computational logic, machine learning. 

11. Dr. Toto Haryanto, S.Kom, M.Kom.

Research fields: Deep learning architecture and design, graphics processing unit for deep learning optimization.

12. Dr. Hari Agung, S.Komp

Research field: data mining, Pak Hari is also welcome for new topics, especially for his undergraduate students.

13. Dr. Medria KD Hardhienata

Research fields: Optimization, complex systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, multi-agent systems, agent based simulation, algorithm for swarn robotics. One of the topics is research on algorithms that are suitable for robots.  

If anyone is interested in the field of research in the CIO lab, you can contact the CIO lecturers.


Sharing Session with CIO Alumni, Willyam

Willyam, CIO Alumni and KOM53, is a data analyst for Kulina. During this pandemic, Kulina implemented remote work system, some worked in the office and some worked from home. As Kulina’s data analyst, Willyam is in charge of providing data requested by other functional units or divisions, building dashboards to help with operations and management if needed related to certain data.


The reason for choosing the CIO scientific lab

Willyam chose the CIO scientific lab because during the 4th semester, he was interested in the Quantitative Method course which teaches the basic techniques of Data Mining. The following semester, there were more and more courses that led to data mining, until finally when the final project he chose the topic of Data Mining which is a research field in the CIO division.


Tips for choosing a research field and final project topic

First, find out your passion or interest in what field, then find out which lecturers open the topic according to your field of interest. Sometimes lecturers already have their own topics. 

Participate in brainstorming related to the topic, join Pak Irman (supervisor) to discuss research topics. 


The benefits obtained

In addition to the application of data mining techniques, you can also learn more about the research background.


The relationship between the things learned while at the CIO and current jobs

Several subjects such as data mining and data bases.


Question and Answer Session

Q: During a pandemic, do CIOs hold regular online research and meetings?

A: Meanwhile, the discussion is virtual using collaboration applications.

Q: 1) Why hasn’t the computer science department discussed final assignments, supervisors, or thesis until 6th semester, while other departments already have supervisors and discussed the topic of final assignments since 4th semester? 2) How to start research on the CIO division?

A: 1) 1st and 2nd Semester are more focused on providing a scientific foundation. Subjects that focus on specialization and problem solving are introduced when students are at 3rd semester. Students can learn independently by joining communities in Computer Science. The expectation is that 3rd semester already knows what fields to explore. 2) The CIO Division will facilitate students to brainstorm. There are topics that emerge driven by discussion(or driven by interest). If you haven’t found an idea after discussing and reading various papers, you can use the topic offered by supervisors. Students will be given research topics from lecturers, then choose the topic they want to take up.

Q: Dear Willyam, is there a relationship between the current work on the topic in the final?

A: Not too relates to the final project, but pretty much involves lessons in the Course Database and Data Mining (Data extraction). Tips if interested work related to data, learn SQL.


The presentation of the CSN (Computer Systems and Networks) Division by Dr. Eng. Heru Sukoco, S.Si, MT as Chair of the CSN Division CSN


Develops, implements, analyzes, and synthesizes all theoretical and practical aspects related to technology in computer systems and networks and their services so as to support agricultural and industrial progress towards Agro-Maritime 4 .0 based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT).


Member of the CSN Division

1. Dr. Eng. Heru Sukoco, S.Si, MT.

Focus of research: Future Internet

2. Dr. Karlisa Priandana, ST, M.Eng

Focus of research: Robotic

3. Dr.R. Sri Wahjuni, ST

Focus of research: Wireless Sensor Networks

4. Dr. Eng Hendra Rahmawan, S.Kom, M.Kom.

Focus of research: High Performance Computing

5. Dr. Shelvie N. Neyman, S.Kom, M.Kom

Focus of research: Security and Privacy

6. Ahmad Ridha, S.Kom, MS

Focus of research: Peer to Peer

7. Auriza Rahmad Akbar, S.Kom, M.Kom

Focus of research: Computer Networks

8. Wulandari, S.Kom, M.Agr

Focus of research: Embedded Systems

9. Endang P. Giri S.Kom, M.Kom

Focus of research: Security


Sharing Session with CSN Alumni, Marchelia Fika Pratiwi

Marchelia Fika Pratiwi, CSN and KOM51 Alumni, is a IoT Engineer. Ms. Fika has been working as an IoT Engineer since 2 years ago. The focus of her work is making a product to solve problems faced by clients that need to be resolved using the IoT equipment offered by the company. 

IoT is described as connecting all components in one network, so that they can monitor or observe something mobile (remotely).

During this pandemic, Ms. Fika still had to return to the office if she needed equipment in the office.


The reason for choosing a topic in the CSN scientific lab

Because there are problems in the surrounding environment where there are hydroponic cultivators who often work out of town so that their agricultural land cannot be monitored every day. From these problems, Ms. Fika discussed and conducted research, until finally she was interested in bringing up the topic as her final project topic. In addition, this problem also brought Ms. Fika to become an IoT Engineer as she is today. 


Tips for choosing a research field and final assignment topic

After knowing the problem to be raised, discuss it with the lecturer who is good at the topic. In addition, it is also important to consider a certain area of ​​interest when choosing a research topic. 


The relationship between the things learned while at the CSN and current jobs

Ms. Fika decided to become an IoT Engineer after determining the final assignment topic. In addition, Data Communication courses are also closely related to current jobs.


Question and Answer Session

Q: How do students join the scientific division?

A: At that time, they were given specialization and were given the opportunity to choose labs and lecturers according to the topic to be taken (the topic came from their own ideas or continued research for pre-existing topics). If you already have a topic of your own, meet the lecturer to consult on that topic and ask about their willingness to become a supervisor.

Q: For the CSN field, does the research topic have to be related to agriculture in a broad sense?

A: Not necessarily, but if you are interested in agriculture, there are many problems that must be resolved. It is highly recommended to take topics related to agriculture because it can help friends in other fields / departments at IPB.

Q: How are the activities in the CSN division? Isn’t it expensive for the equipment?

A: it doesn’t have to be expensive, the CSN division needs hardware equipment to support activities in the lab (practicum and research). The equipment is more modern, so the equipment is still simple robotic equipment. The funds come from IPB and Computer Science Department. For large equipment, CSN usually collaborates with other institutions.

Q: How do doctoral students join the Computer Science scientific division?

A: During the first year of entering college, you are welcome to join the division you are interested in, not necessarily for research or when doing your final project. It is advisable to discuss in advance and identify related scientific fields in order to make it easier to determine the final project idea.

Q: What courses are useful for alumni in the world of work?

A: As an IoT Engineer, the most frequently used courses are Data Communication and Computer Networks (Komdat) and Digital Circuits (Radig). There is also a Digital Image Processing (PCD) course.


Presentation by Dr. SEIS (Software Engineering and Information Sciences) Division by Dr. Irman Hermadi, S.Kom, S.Kom., MS as Chair of the SEIS Division SEIS


Review, develop, and apply software engineering concepts to build information systems in order to support information management in various fields that specifically include agriculture and natural resources.

SEIS for Agro-Maritime 4.0

  1. Smart agro-maritime society (SEIS Umbrella Academy) 
  2. SEIS powered agro-maritime community (Community Services)
  3. SEIS lifelong learning 
  4. Agro-maritime informatics services (products: AMIS Research Center)


Member of the SEIS Division

1. Irman Hermadi, PhD

Research field : software engineering, information systems, artificial intelligence, evolutionary computing, knowledge management.


  • Smart Mariculture Development (maritime-culture)

Role needed: mobile frontend, web frontend, backend, and IoT Programmer

  • Marketplace Development (Fisherman in Seribu Islands), in collaboration with FPIK

Role needed: mobile frontend, web frontend, and backend.

  • Development of Smart Data Logging for IoT Sensors with RNN Deep Learning, done by Willyam, KOM53

Role needed: mobile frontend, web frontend, backend, and IoT Programmer.

  • Smart Algae Pond (Small Pond) Development

Required roles: mobile frontend, web frontend, backend, and IoT Programmer.

  • Digital Agrologistic System Transformation – Blockchain-based Agricultural Supply Chain 4.0 (Web Programmer and Blockchain Programmer), carried out by KOM54 students, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture last year.
  • Knowledge Management System based on Rural Participatory, in collaboration with a team of oil palm farmers outside Java and students of other IPB departments.
  • Software Effort Estimation using Fuzzy Function Point Analysis, raises a discussion about how to estimate the costs and time needed in application development.

1. Yani Nurhadryani, PhD

Research fields: Information systems, project management, software testing, e-government, smart city, IT governance

2. Meuthia Rachmaniah, MSc

3. Firman Ardiansyah, MSi

4. Dean A. Ramadhan, MKom

5. Auzi Asfarian, MKom

6. Rina Trisminingsih, MT


Sharing Session with SEIS Alumni, Khaidir Afif

Khaidir Afif, KOM49, is a Software Engineer at Tokopedia. Software engineer is the backbone of the product in the form of software. At Tokopedia, there are 25% of the total employees who are software engineers.


Experience in determining the topic

There are several subjects that he likes each semester. For example, in 2nd semester, he was interested in Database courses, 4th semester was interested in RPL courses, 5th Semester was interested in Information Systems and IMK. Until finally he was interested in things related to software engineering and chose UX for his final project. Back then, UX was new to industry use. Afif is interested because UX is definitely needed in industries in the future. In addition, Afif often visits the multimedia lab to do research related to user personas and other things related to UX.


The relationship between the things learned while at the SEIS and current jobs

As in RPL (making ERD) it is very useful in the world of work as a software engineer. The main job of a software engineer is coding. Technical Architect doesn’t code anymore, but rather ERD, hardware specs, etc. Learn to make SKPL (create the requirements needed to create an information system, usually used by a project manager). MK IMK teaches how to make the best software for users. 


The most memorable college project

Project in Information Systems course, which is an application that helps the administration of several documents that require bureaucracy from the government.



Go to college first, understand what fields are preferred


Question and Answer Session

Q: Can the ideas during the final semester project on subjects related to software engineering be implemented or can further research be carried out during the final project?

A: As long as it requires deep enough research, the idea can be used as a final assignment topic.

Q: Does Bioinformatics belong to the SEIS division?

A: If you need an understanding of user needs and matters related to the field of software engineering, then this belongs to the SEIS division. If you need deeper expertise, you can have 2 supervisors, depending on the direction of the research focus.

Q: Will there be postgraduate and doctoral research related to the IPB Mobile application?

A: Yes, maybe the supervisor is Mr. Irman.

Q: What division is gamification part of?

A: You can go to SEIS. It is recommended to go to Mr. Auzi, Mr. Firman, or Mr. Dean.

Q: Is in an industry like Tokopedia, cross-department understanding like AI and Data Mining really needed?

A: Needed, but not necessarily mastered, it is enough to understand the concept.

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