IEEE Student Branch Establishment Meeting
The first meeting to establish the IEEE Student Branch IPB University is conducted on Friday, March 7th, 2019. The meeting is attended by IEEE Indonesia faculty member, Dr. Karlisa Priandana, Student Affair Officer in Dept. of Computer Science, Auzi Asfarian, MSi., along with undergraduate and graduate students in the computer science program.
In this meeting, the plan to establish the branch is finalized and the draft of the branch committee are agreed upon. The elected committee is as follow:
- Chairperson: M. Romano Diansyah (95210385)
- Secretary: Hafidlotul Fatimah Ahmad (95268419)
- Treasurer: Falahudin Halim Shariski (95285678)
As the follow-up of this meeting, the core committee will prepare the establishment petition process to IEEE