Membership Drive 2019 Part 1

Membership Drive 2019 Part 1 will be held on Friday, 26 July 2019, 10.45-11.30 WIB. This event is mandatory for a second-year undergraduate student of computer science program as part of academic and student affair socialization. Membership drive for graduate student and student outside computer science program will be held on Membership Drive 2019 Part...

IEEEXtreme – Call for Student Ambassador Program 2019

IEEEXtreme Student Ambassador program gives you a chance to work with an international team of highly motivated volunteers in sharing the enjoyments of coding at Xtreme. Roles, Responsibility & Outcomes: 1. Take part in the IEEEXtreme Micro Volunteering Challenges i.e Micro Activities that excites you to be part of the IEEEXtreme team as an Ambassador....

Women in Engineering (WIE) Panel Discussion and Video Project Competition In Conjunction with R10 IEEE HTC 2019

More women are going to higher education, got the knowledge, got the title and should get the wisdom as well. These should make women have more movement for escalating their society and humanity. The bigger movement’s impact is possible by initiating collaborative works. Women should be sitting, networking, discussing to have more movement initiative and...

Humanitarian Technology Project Workshop and Competition in Conjunction with R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2019

This activity is intended to encourage, to guide and to gather young people with academician, research, or professional background to be active on engineering and technological innovation for humanitarian purposes. During the workshop, encouragement is delivered to give insight, awareness of urgency and power of Engineering and Technology to solve some humanitarian problems especially on...

[Call For Paper] IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, 12-14 November, University of Indonesia

IEEE R10 HTC is a premier annual cross-disciplinary conference that will bring together technologists, engineers, scientists, investors, representatives from NGOs, governments, academia, and industry. The conference will promote discussions and development of Electrical, Communication, Computing, Security and Disaster Relief areas to present results of recent advancements in technology in order to help improve the lives...

IPB Computer Vision Ambassador Workshop: Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Kegiatan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan atas kerja sama Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB, NVIDIA Deep Learning Institut, IEEE IPB Student Chapter adalah seri pertama dari rangkaian pelatihan rutin mengenai teknologi deep learning. Pelatihan pertama ini membawa topik Deep Learning for Computer Vision yang akan dibawakan oleh Toto Haryanto, M.Si., Dosen Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB yang menjadi NVIDIA...

Student Research Poster Competition – Semilkom 2019

Student Research Poster Competition Winner IEEE Student Chapter IPB University has successfully conducted Student Research Poster Competition as a part of the Scientific Seminar on Computer Science (Semilkom 2019). The competition was held on 27 April 2019 in FMIPA Auditorium, IPB University Darmaga Campus. The poster competition was followed by seventy two computer science undergraduate...

IEEE Student Branch Establishment Meeting

The first meeting to establish the IEEE Student Branch IPB University is conducted on Friday, March 7th, 2019. The meeting is attended by IEEE Indonesia faculty member, Dr. Karlisa Priandana, Student Affair Officer in Dept. of Computer Science, Auzi Asfarian, MSi., along with undergraduate and graduate students in the computer science program. In this meeting,...