Webinar on “Full-Duplex Wireless Communication “

Speaker: Dr.Abhijeet Bishnu

Abstract: Wireless Communication technologies like Full-duplex (FD) communication and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) have recently   gained   much   attention   as   two   spectrally   efficient   techniques.   In   theory, FD communication can double the spectral efficiency than the conventional time-domain duplex and frequency-domain duplex based systems. In FD communication, the transmitter and the receiver communicate simultaneously in the same time and frequency band thereby being spectrally efficient. In NOMA, multiple users access the same channel and time-frequency slot simultaneously through different power allocation, hence increasing in spectral efficiency. Most of the literature on FD propose methods for self-interference cancellation at the receiver and demonstrate the same using software defined radio (SDR) and analog devices. In this presentation, an end-to-end FD-NOMA communication system is demonstrated using SDR. In this demonstration, the   base   station (BS) communicates in FD mode and the users communicate with the BS in half-duplex mode. The BS communicates with the two downlink users through power-domain NOMA.  Trade-off and level of self-interference from both analog and digital cancellation are highlighted. Impact of uplink user on the performance of the downlink users is also analysed. Research challenges for an end-to-end FD-NOMA system are also highlighted.

Bio: Dr. Abhijeet Bishnu received his Ph.D.  in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India, in 2019. During his Ph.D., he was a visiting research scholar at The University of Edinburgh, UK in 2019. He is currently a postdoctoral research associate at The University of Edinburgh, UK. His research interests include channel estimation, cognitive radio, MIMO-OFDM system, and full-duplex communication. He is a reviewer for many IEEE and Springer journals.


Date: 17th July,2021

Time: 16:00-17:00 IST

Venue: Google meet

Registration Link: https://ieee-iiti-2021-webinar1.eventbrite.co.uk

Please contact phd1901121008@iiti.ac.in for any registration issues.