IEEE Student Branch KIET

The IEEE KIET Student Branch (IEEE KIET SB) is the local institute level part of the IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section. It consists of IEEE professionals and Student members who share technical interests and geographical proximity.The IEEE KIET Student Branch is continuously providing scientific and engineering information on Electrical, Electronics, Computer,and Mathematics to its members.It is also interested to provide advanced and modern theoretical and practical information to the associated members and provide a prerequisite to the members for working in the area of design, development, manufacturing, and application of the safe, sustainable, reliable, smart engineering systems and services.

The IEEE KIET Student Branch Chapter’s objective is to keep its members updated and competitive in the workplace and help them to grow both personally and using necessary IEEE tools. The Branch has a clear target to increase the number of activities and expand the influence and number of members in years.

We invite you to join us and benefit from a world of invaluable information and support

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