Note:Documentation should be done in Times New Roman (Font size-14 for headings, 13 for sub-headings and 12 for the rest)



             (Ex: IEEE MCET Student Branch Activity Monthly Report – Month Year )




The Chair,

IEEE MCET Student Branch.

Reported by


Name of the member who files the report

—Designation if any–




{ Provide gist of the monthly activities}


Monthly Activities(Ex:April Activities)


Write all the activities of the month in activity wise in a way that maximizes readability. 



Plan for Next Month


Write down the detailed plans decided for the next month.





Summarize the activities of the month briefly.


                                                   Event Report


                   ———-Heading————–(Ex:Cyber Security Seminar Report)——-


The Chair

IEEE MCET Student Branch


Event Name – – – – – –(Ex:IEEE NextGen Talks -Webinar on Cybersecurity)

Event Attendance – – – –  -(Ex:60 IEEE members from across the Hyderabad Section)

Event Date—–

Event Venue(mention the platform if it is online event, Ex: virtually(through Webex))

Report By: Name, IEEE Student Id



Write the description of the event by dividing it into multiple paragraphs (based on topics / proceedings) which increases the readability, and also include timestamps in the content wherever possible.


                                                      SAR(student activity report)


The Chair

IEEE MCET Student Branch


Reported by:Name





Meeting Agenda:{

Mostly it will be posted in meeting agenda section in discord

It includes the purpose and tasks which are to be discussed in the meeting



Meeting Report:{

Write the description of the event by dividing it into para’s of 3-4 lines which increases the readability , also include timestamps in the para’s




Mention all the people who attended the meeting

If the SB counselor is attending the meeting then write is down specially saying

IEEE SB Counsellor: – – – – – – 

Also if any guest faculty is attending even mention that 



Note: Time stamps in the meet should be noted with the change in topic


The Chair, 

IEEE MCET Student Branch, 

Report By: Your Name.

Event: Same as mention in meeting agenda


Venue: if Virtual then mention the platform (Ex:virtual (through Google Meet) )

[time stamp]: What topic started at the mention timestamp and gist of the discussion happened on that topic

[next time stamp]:What topic started at the mention timestamp and gist of the discussion happened on that topic