
The Chair,

IEEE MCET Student Branch,

Report By: Anirudh Kotla, SB Documentation Team Member.

Event: Website Management Team Meeting (Offline)


  1. Dhruva
  2. Divyansi 
  3. Parthasaradhi 
  4. Soha Ali Khan
  5. Anirudh Kotla
  6. Hana Yadullah 
  7. Izma
  8. Rajinikanth (SB Counsellor) 

Venue: Electric Machines Lab, B-Block, MCET.

[16:07]: The meeting commenced with a discussion about speakers for the event which will be conducted on 22nd June and 29th June.

[16:13]: The availability of new dates for the event was discussed, but the team decided to stick with the old decided dates (i.e., 22nd and 29th June).

[16:16]: Then, the discussion regarding the website template started, with the Webmaster, Parthasaradhi, showing some of the templates which were previously filtered by him from the templates provided by IEEE official branding guidelines.

[16:26]: The SB Counselor, Mr. Rajinikanth stepped in to address this as he got an update about the ExCom’s meeting with Dr. Atul Negi on the next day (i.e., 15th June 2024).

[4:31]: The team then jumped back to the process of finalizing the website template.

[16:41]: Members then thought of keeping the template of official and student made SB websites similar, and for that, the webmaster filtered and found one website template meeting the criteria.

[16:49]: As some members of the Website Management team didn’t attend the meeting, the team postponed the discussion regarding the content of the website and moved on to talk about the design of the website, which is the navigation bar consisting of the SB chapters related button which will redirect the viewer to the respective chapter-related SB page. Suggestions for adding a “join us”, “subscribe for newsletter” button in the footer, and a slideshow on the home page were discussed.

[17:02]: Then, members discussed the FAQ page, whether we should add a “chatbot” or use the simple “ask your query” technique. Dhruva suggested adding some common questions and their answers, and if any other questions come up, they can mail them to the email address provided in the “contact us” section, or that a google form for this could be made..

[17:16]: The meeting was wound up.