The IEEE event held on 28/09/2019 was titled “PANEGYRIC GANDHIJI” to commemorate the birth anniversary of the father of Indian Nation “Mahatma Gandhi”. The event commenced with a brief introduction about GANDHIJI’S LIFE HISTORY which was given by Mr.S.Vignesh Kumar of II-Year EEE Department. Few principles of Gandhi was also quoted. The moral values followed by Gandhi was shared and students felt inspired.  The students were asked to share their thoughts on Gandhi’s ideas like Non-Violence, Ahimsa, Satyagraha and the initiatives took by him to get the Independence of India from the British. Students were eagerly involved in sharing their perspectives on Gandhi. The next phase was a GROUP DISCUSSION on the current affairs. The group discussion was interesting and informative one in which the students actively participated by coming up with various topics. The event ended up with a feedback session and all the office bearers were present during the event. And the event was headed by our branch counsellor Mr.C.Kalayana Sundaram , Assistant professor ECE department.

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