Activities 2019-2020

IEEE STB- 29861

WIE SBA-29861

The IEEE club event ‘OLD BUT TRENDY’ was conducted on 22/06/2019 and the event was held between 4:00-4:50 pm. The main aim of this round was to make the students aware about the new and advanced technical devices and it’s uses. The last round debate made students gain knowledge about recent technical developments and was really informative to all.

The IEEE event “INCEPTION” and was held on 06/07/2019. The event was conducted between 4:00-4:50 pm. The session with a rapid recap on the basic computer languages and also explaining the members about the basic “WEB DESIGNING” techniques. The second part of the event was “QUIZ”.

The IEEE events “FRESHERS CARNIVAL” was held on 14th and 16th of August 2019.It was a two day event where students were given Introduction about the IEEE club. The prominent aim of the event was to make the freshers come up with their skills boldly.

Aiming to provide an intense training on Internet Of Things, a workshop was conducted on 25th of September, 2019 in Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi by IEEE and CSI students branch. The session I started with keynote lecture on IoT and future of connected world by Mr.Nehru and Mr.Karthikeyan, AFI Technologies. The session II started with providing the students a basic knowledge about drone technology as well as some more advanced examples of how the technology can be used in all possible environments.

The IEEE event titled “PANEGYRIC GANDHIJI” was held on 28/09/2019 to commemorate the birth anniversary of the father of Indian Nation “Mahatma Gandhi”. The event commenced with a brief introduction about GANDHIJI’S LIFE HISTORY. The next phase was a GROUP DISCUSSION on the current affairs.

The event A BID IN THE HAND was conducted on 25th January 2020 by our students branch office bearers on the day of GYAN MITRA. Enthusiastic participants from various colleges across Tamilnadu attended the event. The objective of this event is to explore general technical stuffs in an excited way through an auction game which was no less than a real IPL auction. They were provided with 30 minutes to clear the preliminary round. After completing prelims, their sheets were evaluated and 6 teams were selected to play the game of bids.

The IEEE event CANNY CAN held during State Level Technical Symposium-Gyan Mitra ’20 on 24/01/2020 and 25/01/2020 organized by IEEE Students’ Chapter under ECE Department at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during forenoon session The first round was ‘Conjure Up’ which was basically multiple choice question type with simple questions from different domains like Electricals, Electronics, Programming language, General Knowledge, etc. in which all the participants conjured their mind to quench their thirst to get selected for next round. The second round ‘Team of Thebaults’ was a mix up of circuit debugging, code cracking, science short story writing and hunting answers.

Ludomania was one of the events organised by IEEE Students chapter during Gyanmitra 2020 which was held on 24/01/2020 – 25/01/2020.The Event comprised of three rounds. First round was prelims which included the questions from general science domain consisting of Pictionary, crossword puzzle, decoding the words written using binary logic. The final round was done with the help of LUDO board and two of them were asked to go for a treasure hunt based on the names of the lab and other two were asked to play LUDO game by answering the questions asked to the them.

One of the most awaited events of the GYAN MITRA “Code Venatic” was held on 25th of January 2020.The first round was written test which includes questions from various programming languages. The second round was based on coding in an environment. They were asked to create their own algorithm to represent the colour in rubix cube.

The IEEE event was hosted on 1/2/2020 titled “SHARE IT” between 5:00-6:20 pm at ECE seminar hall. The first part of the event was finding the hidden meaning behind the logos of various companies and followed by general quiz on scientists. A picture was given to speak on and few students volunteered. The second part of the event involved various tasks like Situation handling and Group Discussion.