Code Venatic

One of the most awaited events of the GYAN MITRA “Code Venatic” was held on  25th of January 2020. Enthusiastic participants from various colleges across Tamilnadu attended the event.It was a two rounds event.The students were given introduction about the event.The rules were explained by our office bearers.The first round was written test which includes questions from various programming languages.After completing first round, their sheets were evaluated and 3 teams were selected for the second round.The second round was based on coding in an environment. They were asked to create their own algorithm to represent the colour in rubix cube.The participants from various colleges coded keenly.Winners were given with  prizes and certificates during the valedictory ceremony conducted at MEPCO convention centre.

The event was organized by Sriram and Arun Balaji of III year .The event was headed by our branch counsellor Mr.C.Kalyana Sundaram M.E. Assistant Professor,ECE.


The event A BID IN THE HAND was conducted on 25th January 2020 by our students branch office bearers on the day of GYAN MITRA.Enthusiastic participants from various colleges across Tamilnadu attended the event.The objective of this event is to explore general technical stuffs in an excited way through an auction game which was no less than a real IPL auction. The event had great impact on the technical knowledge of the participants as well as the sense of timing and tactics of the students in handling the bids in the game. The event was organized by Arun Balaji and Sriram of III year and Vignesh of II year.
Around 20 teams from different colleges participated in the event.Their performance were continuously monitored and validated by our office bearers .They were provided with 30 minutes to clear the preliminary round. After completing prelims, their sheets were evaluated and 6 teams were selected to play the game of bids.
The participants enthusiastically started to bid as soon as the organizer announced the first player along with his rating and initial amount.After bid,they answered the questions interestingly.The points were split into three,based on the rating 5,10 and 20. Star players bear the highest points of 25.The event was expeditiously handled by the office bearers which was a grand success .Winners were given with prizes and certificates during the valedictory ceremony conducted at MEPCO convention centre. The event was headed by our branch counsellor Mr.C.Kalyana Sundaram M.E. Assistant Professor,ECE.