Special Talk on Engineering in Medicine and Biology:Scope and Challenges(DLP)

on28thFebruary 2018

Venue:Seminar Hall,Dept of EIE,SIT Tumkuru

Time: 9.15am to 11.15am

Organized by

IEEE EMBS BangaloreChapter,

in association with EMB Student Chapter of SSIT







Dr N Sriraam received his B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication engineering(ECE) from the National Engineering College ,Tamil Nadu, India ,in 1996,the M.Tech degree(with distinction)in Biomedical Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology(MIT),Manipal,India,in 2000,and the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology from the Multimedia University ,Cyberjaya,Malaysia, in the area of biomedical signal processing, in 2007.He is currently working as Professor and Head ,Department of Medical Electronics ,M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology,Bangalore,India.

He is the author or coauthor of 200 articles published in journals and has been involved in several sponsored research projects.His current research interests include biomedical signal processing, Cognitive neuroscience, data mining ,neural networks. He is the editor –in-chief of:International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering (IJBCE) and also reviewing panel member for Journals such as IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Communications ,IEEE  Electronics letters ,Elsevier publications such as Digital Signal Processing ,Computers in Biology and Medicine, Expert Systems, Medical Informatics, Neurocomputing, Journal of Medical Systems .Dr. Sriraam is Senior Member of IEEE and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBS),Signal Processing Society, life member of telemedicine Society of India and member of medical computer society of India.

Currently he is serving as Chairman of IEEE EMBS Chapter,Bangalore Section India. He is also serving as  Technical Committee Member, MSIPS(Medical Elect Group), Ministry of Inf  Tech Communication,Govt of India, Technical Committee Member, INDO-ISREAL Co-operation Project



All are invited
