#01 Branch Inauguration

IEEE NIT Delhi Student Branch Inauguration
August 14th, 2021

Helping to write the first page of the diary named “IEEE NIT Delhi Student Branch” and to add a feather in the cap, we had with us Prof. Prerna Gaur, ex-chairperson IEEE Delhi section, Treasurer IEEE Indian Council and Director, NSUT East campus, Delhi to address and enlighten us all.

Behold, the number five is at hand. Grab it and shake and harness the power of networking.

– Jarod Kintz 

Here we had introduced you all to the five members of our IEEE NIT Delhi Student Branch, core committee. 

 Faculty Counsellor - Rikmantra Basu 

 Chair - Himanshu Atri 

 Vice Chair - Samarpit Karar 

 Secretary - Shubhi Singh 

 Treasurer - Apoorv Kautily