In spite of having scores of complex mathematical formulae, technical know-how and theoretical jargons at your disposal, every creative idea realises it’s true purpose only through repeated trial and testing, and this is precisely where MATLAB comes off as one of the most useful tools for the engineering community.
IEEE SB NIT Durgapur is here to inspire your ingenuity with MATLAB Mastery 2.0, an interactive free workshop with weekly classes to get you acquainted with every nook and cranny of the software.

MATLAB Mastery 2.0

IEEE Student Branch NIT Durgapur, conducted its annual flagship event recently MATLAB Mastery 2.0, which commenced from 10th April and went on till 17th April.

It was a regular weekly session under the active guidance and mentoring of the senior members of the club meant to introduce the students to the fundamentals of the software while addressing its various application in the present-day scenario. addressing its various application in the present-day scenario.

MATLAB Mastery 2.0

A brief and informative introductory speech by the second-year executive members of the club, and the first session was presented subsequently, getting the newbies acquainted to the fundamentals of MATLAB. A Q&A session was arranged to address the queries and doubts of the participants. The average number of participants in each session was around 200. The second tutorial session delved deeper into the intricacies of the software and the participants were introduced to the various commands, scripts, and functions in MATLAB. These projects were on topics ranging from Satellite Communication to critical Bio-Robotics Circuitry to applications of the Chaos Theory in real-life scenarios. Finally, an evaluation test was organized for the participants, based on the tutorial sessions, which enabled them to assess themselves.

MATLAB Mastery 2.0

Thus, the event successfully provided a platform to keep the students updated with the latest tools and developments in the technical industry and served to propel forth the incessant quest for knowledge.