1.Webinar on Classification: A data driven approach
A webinar on “Classification: A data driven approach” was organized on 12th July, 2020 for a duration of one and a half hour on Google Meet. The guest speaker, Dr. Satish Kumar Singh, Associate Professor at IIIT Allahabad addressed 150 students and enlightened them with his vast experiences and knowledge. The webinar started by introducing the term ‘Data Set’ and explained the topic with various examples. He gave insight on how a data driven approach can be beneficial for classification and also discussed some of the major algorithms. The webinar was very informative and was concluded by a Question and Answer session. The webinar had a great impact on every participant in the meeting.
2. Enhance your spectrum – A Technical Discussion
After two successful editions of Enhance your spectrum – A Technical Discussion, IEEE RCOEM Student Branch conducted another discussion which covered two topics, named “Everything You Need To Know About 5G” and “Electric Vehicles and It’s Future Prospects In India”. It was conducted on 13th July, 2020 for an hour duration on YouTube. The discussion on 5G included interesting topics such as millimeter waves, massive MIMO, beam – forming, full duplex, job domains in 5G, etc. The interaction on Electric Vehicles touched view aspects such as why we should use electric vehicles, fundamentals of electric vehicles, different types of electric vehicle, pros and cons, challenges, etc. The discussion was attended by 30 participants. The feedback received at the end of the discussion proved that this discussion helped everyone to know about the latest technical developments in the industry.
3. Webinar on Getting Started With LinkedIn
IEEE RCOEM Student Branch conducted a webinar on “Getting Started With LinkedIn” on 27th September, 2020 via Google Meet. The duration for the webinar was one hour. The guest speaker, Staji Wilson, Assistant Trainee at TCS Bengaluru, gave insight to 90 students on how to use LinkedIn. The purpose behind conducting the webinar was to introduce the participants with the minute and basic details of LinkedIn. The speaker gave a brief introduction on how to build an impressive digital profile on LinkedIn which showcases one’s achievements and professional standing in an effective and elaborative way. The speaker also explained the practices which need to be taken into consideration while building a LinkedIn profile.
4.Participation in IEEEXtreme 14.0
IEEEXtreme 14.0 took place on 24th October, 2020 in the virtual mode. This coding competition saw a participation of 4132 teams from 809 Student Branches of IEEE. IEEE RCOEM Student Branch was also among the student branches which showed an active participation in the competition. Dr. Richa Khandelwal was the proctor for our student branch and Monika Bhole was the IEEEXtreme Ambassador. A total of 6 teams willingly took part from the student branch.
5. Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for COVID-19 Mitigation
IEEE RCOEM Student Branch organized a webinar titled “Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for COVID-19 Mitigation” on 28th December, 2020 for a duration of 1 hour. The guest speaker of the webinar, Alvaro D. Orjuela-Canon, Principal Professor at Universidad del Rosario, shared his deep knowledge and expertise with the participants on how artificial intelligence is an useful tool during the health crisis. The webinar turned into success with the participation of 75 participants.
6.Webinar on Electric Vehicles
Date: 10th January 2021
The guest speaker of the webinar, Mr. Abhinav Rajeev, Associate Software Professional Engineer at DXC Technology stimulated the webinar by giving a brief history of the evolution of electric vehicles. He gave a statistical analysis of the sales of electrical vehicles in India. The speaker presented how electric vehicles have been rapidly growing in the country and achieving their aggressive targets in the Indian market. He explained certain points including components, motor types, battery, charging, etc. related to EV’s. He put forward the pros and cons of electric technology in vehicles. Mr. Rajeev demonstrated the competition for electric vehicles to conquer the existing Indian automobile industry through some models of 4-wheelers, 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, etc. He ended his presentation by detailing the different challenges which need to be faced after adopting electric vehicles in day-to-day use.

7. Interactive Workshop on Renewable Energy for Greening the Grid
Date: 24th January 2021

The guest speaker, Mr. Hasala Dharmawardena, PhD. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Clemson University. Currently, he is working as a Graduate Research Assistant at Clemson University, South Carolina. He induced the interest of the attendees right from the beginning by asking some logical questions which were like a boost to the brains. Mr. Dharmawardena graphically illustrated electricity generation from different renewable energy sources. His major focus was to explain how solar, wind and other green sources help in cutting down expensive costs for power generation. He presented gross calculations to express the amount of electricity required to be produced for a single city (Nagpur). Then, he very effectively suggested the ways in which electricity can be saved by implying powerful and innovative technology. Mr. Dharmawardena supported his statements by giving pictorial proof of the significant increase of electric vehicles in France and Norway. He explained the demands of green grid technology and its advantages as well as disadvantages. He also gave importance to Artificial Intelligence Technology as an essential tool for Power systems.
8. Webinar on IEEE Membership and Global Benefits
Date: 12th March 2021

The guest speaker, Dr. Adil Usman Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi gave a well-structured analysis of the IEEE institution. He gave a deeper view of how IEEE works and its different regions, branches, various committees, and sections that are under IEEE. He explained various perks which one can experience and also; the network of ambitious people and big personalities which one can be a part of if one becomes an IEEE Member. He demonstrated the membership grades to which one gets promoted as one becomes old and experienced in this institution. He presented the several types of membership available in IEEE under different societies and chapters. Mr. Usman mentioned the different volunteering opportunities and travel grant provisions available through certain channels. He aroused interest among the participants by sharing knowledge about the awards which one can achieve by working with dedication in IEEE. This included chapter awards, student project awards, etc. Thus, he concluded by giving information about the IEEE Day celebrated as the first Tuesday of October month of each year.
9. Webinar on “Overview of Microgrid: Thailand Case Studies”
Date: 3rd April 2021
A webinar on Overview of Microgrid: Thailand Case was organized on 3rd April 2021 by Dr. Jirawadee Polprasert. She is currently working as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand. Students were benefited from deep insight about the topic of microgrids –their different operation modes and how microgrids development has taken place. Speaker also talked about the policy and conceptual framework required for the setup of microgrids.

10. Webinar on “Project Based Learning – A Research Pathway for Students”
Date: 4th April 2021

IEEE Student Branch of RCOEM has organized the webinar on 4th April 2021 which was taken by the guest speaker, Mr. RAMNEEK KALRA, Project Engineer, Wipro limited, Proactive Volunteer at numerous organizations namely IEEE, YOUTH for Sustainability, Atal Innovation Mission (NITI Aayog, Govt. of India). He explained the concept of the type of learning and spotted out the differences between academic-based learning and project-based learning. He demonstrated its advantages and disadvantages and showed the approach to acquire this new type of learning and described the benefits of applying it in the career.
11. Webinar on “Signal Processing for Assistive Listening Devices”
Date: 9th April 2021

Webinar on signal processing for assistive listening devices on 9th April 2021 was organized by IEEE Student Branch and Department of Electronics Engineering. The guest speaker was Dr. Somnath Pradhan, School of Electrical Engineering and TelecommunicationsUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney. We have got active participation of a total count of 89 throughout. He demonstrated how sound travels towards our brain and how we hear sound. He explained the concepts of active and passive noise and various applications of active noise control along with its mathematical model.
12. Webinar on “Image Retargeting : Algorithms and Applications”
Date: 10th April 2021
IEEE Student Branch and Department of Electronics Engineering organized a guest lecture on the topic “Image Retargeting: Algorithms and Applications” on 10th April 2021. The guest speaker, Dr. Diptiben Patel, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, IIIT Hyderabad, presented and shared her deep knowledge about image retargeting technology. She had also demonstrated content about image retargeting, dynamic page layer of the webpage, display devices with different aspect ratios, fitting of a media to display device.