IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Membership Drive”

Date of Event: 10-04-2024 to 17.04.24 

Venue: Classroom of ECE, EIE, Mechanical, Mech & Automation, EEE, ICE, CSE and IT, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College

The IEEE Student Branch Sri Sai Ram Engineering College in association with IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Madras Chapter, IEEE SEC IES(SBC60981V) organized a “IES Membership Drive” from 10th April 2024 to 17th April 2024 for various branches of Engineering in Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai. The membership drive educates people about the benefits of becoming a member. Various opportunities to explore were brought to the student knowledge like Access to project funds for research and development initiatives, Free webinar on cutting edge topics and technologies, Opportunities to present paper in conferences, Access to vast network of professionals and experts, Recognition and creditability within the global engineering community.

No of IEEE Members Attendees: Branches of ECE, EIE, Mechanical, Mech & Automation, EEE, ICE, CSE and IT