The IEEE student Branch of Sri Sairam Engineering College organized Prelims for the YESIST’12 2022 events in association with IEEE EDUCATION SOCIETY & IEEE SSIT SOCIETY on 13.08.2022 at the Beta Hall, Sri Sairam Engineering college through Hybrid mode . The guests were Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu, Director at iExplore foundation YESIST12 2022 general chair, Dr. Vijendrababu, SMIEE, FIE, professor,VIT Vellore, Mr. Arun, SB counselor ,PIT and Student entrepreneurs R.G Sharath Kumar and Shyam Kumar. Nearly 95 participants attended the online event .The selected student batches are forwarded to attend the final rounds to be held at Bangalore.  The program was Coordinated by Dr S.Brindha, SB Counselor.