On account of the IEEE SIGHT Day, the student branch of Sri Sairam Engineering College has successfully organized the IEEE SIGHT DAY 2022 WEBINAR on 27.04.2022. The webinar was mainly focused on the awareness towards IEEE SIGHT within IEEE peers. Three speakers who were also our seniors gave the orientation on HAC/SIGHT. The day’s first speaker Mr. Adithya Subramani S who is IEEE SB SEC CHAIRMAN and SAIRAM IEEE MASTERMIND fostered a spirit of community for the global SIGHT network and gave his speech that increased the awareness of IEEE SIGHT within the student members. Our next speaker Mr. Kharthick Rham M who is SEC IEEE GRSS & OES CHAIRMAN explained the opportunities available in SIGHT. Followed by this the next speaker Mr. Niranjan Kumar S who is IEEE SB SAC CHAIRMAN and SEC IEEE CS CHAIRMAN gave a clear cut view of HAC / SIGHT and the support that will be given from their side for the students’ projects. The event made an impact on every student member. The program was Coordinated by Dr S.Brindha, SB Counselor.