NAME OF THE EVENT : IEEE Membership Drive

VENUE : SSR,VRR, Alpha Hall and Class Rooms

DATE : 06.11.2023

RESOURCE PERSONS :CS Professional Members and Office Bearers



The IEEE Membership Drive was held on 06th November 2023. On that program the speaker explained about the IEEE computer society. They gave an hierarchy of IEEE computer society . They also explained about the roles and benefits in the IEEE . They spoke about the awards and also elucidated the membership and it’s usages for the members. Finally the session was interactive and informative.


Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  03-10-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No


Speaker details: Ms. Jyothika Athavale, President, IEEE Computer Society

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 100


Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology, in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College, hosted an ecstatic webinar ‘WEBINAR ON SILICON LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT’ by Ms. Jyothika Athavale, President of IEEE MGA Computer Society on October 3rd, 2023, emphasized the significance of effectively managing silicon’s lifecycle in today’s technological landscape. Ms. Athavale’s keynote speech underscored the necessity of sustainable practices and responsible manufacturing throughout the lifecycle stages of silicon-based products.


The event featured engaging panel discussions involving distinguished industry experts and academics, focusing on the challenges and opportunities within Silicon Lifecycle Management. Discussions revolved around strategies to optimize product life cycles, enhance efficiency, and minimize the environmental footprint associated with silicon production and disposal. Attendees actively participated in knowledge exchange and networking, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to sharing best practices and innovative ideas.


Ultimately, the event left a profound impact on participants, inspiring them to adopt conscientious approaches to technological advancements. By promoting responsible innovation and sustainable practices, the event encouraged aspiring technocrats and researchers to contribute positively to the evolving landscape of technology and its management.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC

Report on SYNERGIA’23 – An Innovation Towards personal and Career Growth

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Gamma Hall

Date of Event:  24-08-2023 and 25-08-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: Yes

Topic: SYNERGIA’23 – An Innovation Towards personal and Career Growth

Speaker details:Mr. Lakshmi Narayan N J and Ms. Deepa Vijayaraghavan

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 200


Brief Description: Synergia’23 – An Invasion towards Personal and Career Development, a two-day National Level Colossal Convention organized by the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter at Sri Sairam Engineering College sponsored by IEEE SPAx on 24th and 25th August 2023. IEEE Student Professional Activities Committee (IEEE SPAx) has provided a massive Funding of 350 USD approx 27,000 rupees for conducting this ecstatic event. The event’s motto is Educate, Ignite, and Empower. Synergia’23 will empower young students, guiding them to become a person enriched with the skill of shaping the career. The theme of Synergia’23 is purely based upon waste management under the categories of E Waste, Solid waste, and BioMedical waste. We got an immense response of 105 teams registering for our event. Out of which 40 teams were selected to present their ideas in a preliminary ideathon round. 

On 24th August we had our inaugural ceremony, with our guests of honour Mr. Lakshmi Narayan, Cofounder and Director, BuildHr Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Dean Student Affairs, Dr. Rajendra Prasad sir, our beloved Head of Department and Dean Networking Dr. T Sheela mam, Chapter advisor of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, Dr. Soma Prathibha mam and staff coordinators of the event Ms. Sujithra  and Ms. Rajeshwari. The event kickstarted with the blessings of almighty. Dr. Sheela, welcomed the gathering and Program Coordinator, Mr. Gnana Padmesh C K rendered and launched the event Synergia’23. Then Dr. Rajendra Prasad rendered the presidential address and felicitated the guest of honour. After the ceremony Mr. Lakshmi Narayan shared his insights on the session “Right direction towards balancing man and machine” that gave students ability to think apart. After the session, there was a fun interactive session conducted by our student volunteers Manish M, and Chidamabara Raja G. Later, Ms. Sujithra J, Staff Coordinator rendered the Vote of Thanks. On the afternoon of 24th August, the Preliminary Round for the Pitchfest Event – Ideathon was conducted in 2 panels. Our jury team were Dr. Adiline Macriga G, Professor from the Department of Information Technology, Dr. UmaMaheswaran S K, Professor from the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Thanuja B, Associate Professor from the Department of Chemistry, and Dr. Ranjana R, Associate Professor from the Department of Information Technology. Students have presented their ideas in a wonderful and creative manner. Their ideas were mind captivating. Out of 40 teams, 10 teams were selected to the Grand Finale of the Pitchfest Event.

On day 2, the session was conducted in virtual mode. The day started with the Final round of the Ideathon – Pitchfest Event. The selected 10 teams presented their ideas and its business model feasibilities. The student’s ideas were thought provoking and was judged by our jury panel comprised by Mr. Subramanian Ananthasanakaran Chidambaram, Business Development Manager, Urbaser Sumeet India, and Mr. Nabil Raj, Project Head, Urbaser Summit India. After a meticulous scrutinization of prototypes, the jury panel decided the Winner and Runner of Synergia’23 and were announced during the prize distribution of the valedictory event. On the afternoon of the same day, Valedictory Ceremony kickstarted with a warm greeting rendered by Dr. Soma Prathibha. Later we had a mind awakening session by Ms. Deepa Vijayaraghavan, Director, PayPal, and Co-Founder, Shevolve on the topic “Career Readiness”. The session made the students understand about the industry and was very interactive. Later the winners and runners were awarded with Rs. 3000 and Rs. 2000 individually. Subsequently, Ms. Srinithi S,  Chairperson, Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE CS SBC, rendered the event summary. Finally, Ms. Rajeswari, Staff Coordinator rendered the Vote of Thanks.

In a whole, Synergia’23 was an incredible opportunity to take a step towards personal and career excellence and embark on a transformative journey towards expertise and success, as the students were equipped with the tools to excel both personally and professionally. Students’ participation in Synergia’23 have shaped the future of achievement and growth, making a lasting impact on your journey.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC

NAME OF THE EVENT : IEEE Computer Society Awareness Programme for II year Students


DATE : 17.08.2023

RESOURCE PERSONS : Mr.Niranjan Kumar



The IEEE computer society awareness program for 2nd years was held on 17.08.2023. On that program the speaker detailly explained about the IEEE computer society. He gave an hierarchy of IEEE computer society . He also explained about the roles and benefits in the IEEE . He spoke about the awards and also elucidated the membership and it’s usages for the second year students.Finally the session was interactive and informative


NAME OF THE EVENT:Professional Membership-Drive

VENUE:Smart Class Room-I,SIT




The professional membership drive event was an offline event there were 60 participants participated in the event. The remarkable speaker of the event was Dr.soma prathiba chapter adviser of the IEEE computer society who clearly elucidated about the membership drive which was very informative to the participants


Report on SpeechCraft

Name of Organizing Unit: Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  27-06-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No

Topic: Knowing Your IEEE – Alumni Talk

Speaker details: Mr.Niranjan Kumar S Ex-Chairperson,IEEE SAC Madras Section Regional 10 Lead,IEEE XTREME 17.0,SEC IEEE CS SBC Student Exe-com member.IEEE WIE AG PR mentor, IEEE Computer Society SBC.

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 55

Brief Description: Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter successfully conducted an oratory competition named “SpeechCraft” on 27th June 2023. The Competition kick-started with two rounds starting at 07:00 PM and 09.00 PM respectively. Dr. Soma Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note. 

There were two rounds in “Speechcraft” where Mr.Gnana Padmesh C K judged the first introductory round of the event followed by Arathi P who judged the final stage of the competition.Students took up various brainstorming ideas and thoughts which were converted to speech with their humungous effort.For the final round top 6 teams were shortlisted to give the ultimate debate to aim for a win.In the final round, a common topic was given to the finalists where each of them need to orate the positives and negatives of the suggested topic.Hence, the winner of the event was awarded with special prizes and freebies.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC


                “DATA ANALYTICS: Bringing numbers to life”


As behalf of IEEE CS Society SBC, We organised an online webinar for our first year students on the topic of “Data Analytics: Bringing numbers to life” on 22nd july 2023.

The webinar were started on 6:15 pm with all our active participants of first year students.

Around  75 participants were attended the webinar. The Welcome address was given by  Mr.Sivasaran. Our Speaker Ms. Indhumathi started the webinar with question “What is Data Analytics” to assess the knowledge of the students and to break the ice. Then, she explained the importance and needs of data analytics. And she gave brief lecture about  “How can we grab the opportunities as a data analytics”. This intresting session was carried over around 7.00 pm.  Then Our participants asked their queries and doubts to our speaker. Finally the vote of Thanks was given by Mr. Arul prakasam.


Our speaker Ms. Indhumathi is a dynamic Data Analyst with a passion for uncovering valuable insights from complex datasets. She has won IEEE WIE Inspiring Student Member of the Year – 2020, Grace Hopper Celebration India Student Scholarship, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society Award and achieved many things in his student life as well as professional life. Now she is working as a Data Analyst in Accenture.


Participants raised many questions and provided comments regarding the webinar’s scope and many of the participants asked for the platforms to learn data analytics. And our speaker suggested linkedin learning and udami platforms. The speaker also made the students aware of the opportunities of data analytics through her presentation.

The key statements, quotes and points:

  • SQL and python were the basis need for an data analysts.
  • E-commerce and Retail, Finance and Banking, Healthcare, Gaming are the sector were data analysts works.
  • Skills and Tools required for Data analysts.

Reported by:   Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC

 WebEdge Report

                A 2-Day Online WordPress Workshop

Name of Organizing Unit: The Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  03-06-2023 and 04-06-2023

Speaker details: Mr. Dwaraknath K and Mr. Hemanth P

Target Audience: Students from first and second year

Attendance: 100

Brief Description:

The IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College successfully conducted the 2-Day Online WordPress Workshop, WebEdge. The event instructors were our alumini Mr. Dwaraknath K and Mr. Hemanth P. 

During the workshop, the speakers delivered an engaging and informative session on WordPress, capturing the attention and interest of the participants. They covered a wide range of topics, ensuring that attendees gained valuable insights and information about this popular content management system.

The workshop began with an introduction to WordPress, where the speakers explained the fundamentals of the platform. They discussed its history, core features, and advantages, highlighting why WordPress has become the go-to choice for website development for individuals and businesses alike.

The session then moved on to setting up a WordPress website. The speakers provided step-by-step guidance on how to install WordPress, choose a suitable theme, and customize the appearance of the website. They emphasized the importance of selecting the right theme to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly site.

Extending the functionality of WordPress with plugins was another crucial topic covered in the workshop. The speakers introduced participants to a variety of plugins available in the WordPress ecosystem. They explained how plugins can enhance the website’s capabilities, such as adding contact forms, social media integration, search engine optimization, and more. Participants learned how to install and configure plugins to tailor their websites to their specific needs.

One of the highlights of the workshop was the segment on building websites from scratch without any coding. The speakers demonstrated how WordPress’s intuitive interface allows users to create professional-looking websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. They showcased the available tools and options within WordPress, enabling participants to grasp the concept of website building using pre-designed elements and templates.

Reported by : Dr. Soma Prathiba, Chapter Advisor, SEC IEEE CS SBC


                   An IEEE Spectrum Series (Session 12)


Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  28-05-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No


Speaker details: Ms. Dhanya Krishnamachari, Treasurer, WIE AG SBC

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 61


Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology, in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College, hosted an intriguing webinar titled “MYSTERIES OF QUANTUM COMPUTING.” This highly anticipated event, part of the SPECTROGLANCE – IEEE Spectrum series 12th session, took place on the 28th of May 2023.The Webinar kick-started at 04:00 PM where Dr. Soma Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering with her welcome note. 


The remarkable speaker of today’s webinar was Ms. Dhanya Krishnamachari, Treasurer of WIE AG SBC. Ms. Dhanya Krishnamachari commenced the session with an insightful introduction to the field, explaining the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and how they form the basis of quantum computing. The audience was captivated by real-world examples and use cases of quantum computing, demonstrating its potential applications in cryptography, optimization, and drug discovery.

In the closing minutes of the meeting, Ms. Srinithi S, the Chairperson of SEC IEEE CS SBC delivered the Vote of thanks. Overall, the “MYSTERIES OF QUANTUM COMPUTING” webinar will be remembered as a successful and enlightening event that kindled the curiosity and interest of all its participants in the world of quantum technologies.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC


                   An IEEE Spectrum Series (Session 11)


Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  21-05-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No


Speaker details: Ms. Priyatharshini L, IEEE CS Volunteer, Volunteered Entervista

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 53


Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology, in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College, organized an insightful webinar titled “WHAT THE AVATAR XPRIZE REVEALED ABOUT THE FUTURE OF TELEPRESENCE ROBOTS.” The event, which was the 11th session of the SPECTROGLANCE – IEEE Spectrum series, took place on the 21st of May 2023. The Webinar began at 04:00 PM where Dr. Soma Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note. 


Ms. Priyatharshini L, an enthusiastic IEEE CS Volunteer, from Volunteered Entervista, graced the event as the esteemed speaker. Her passion for technology and robotics made her the perfect choice to discuss the future of telepresence robots. During her presentation, Ms. Priyatharshini elaborated on the technological breakthroughs showcased in the competition and how they offer a glimpse into the future of telepresence robots. The audience was taken on a journey through the various innovations that enable these robots to embody a remote user, facilitating seamless interactions and experiences in real-time.

At the end of the session, Ms. Srinithi S, the Chairperson of SSEC IEEE CS SBC delivered the Vote of thanks and wrapped up this webinar. Overall, the session was successful and an insightful event that enriched the knowledge and curiosity of all its participants.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC


                   An IEEE Spectrum Series (Session 10)


Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  14-05-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No


Speaker details: Mr. Mohamed Bilal D, Design Committee Lead, IEEE Computer Society SBC.

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 60


Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology, in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College, organized an enlightening webinar titled “THE INTERNET ‘HIS’STORY” on the 14th of May 2023, as part of the ongoing series “SPECTROGLANCE” – IEEE Spectrum. The event aimed to explore the fascinating history of the internet, its evolution, and its significant impact on society. The Webinar kick-started at 04:00 PM where Dr. Soma Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note. 


Mr. Mohamed Bilal D, the Design Committee Lead at IEEE Computer Society SBC, served as the esteemed speaker for the webinar. He began the session by delving into the early origins of the internet, tracing its development from its humble beginnings to the modern-day global network. He highlighted key milestones and breakthroughs, shedding light on the visionary minds behind various internet protocols and technologies.


At last, Ms. Srinithi S, the Chairperson of SSEC IEEE CS SBC delivered the Vote of thanks and wrapped up this Webinar joyfully. Overall, “THE INTERNET ‘HIS’STORY” webinar left a lasting impact on the attendees.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC


An IEEE Spectrum Series (Session 9)

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology
associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer
Venue: Online (Google Meet)
Date of Event: 07-05-2023
Speaker details: Mr.Sai Sakthivel R S, Mastermind of Sairam UBA and
Target Audience: Students across years
Attendance: 35
The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE
Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering
College had yet another successful 9th session of “SPECTROGLANCE” –
IEEE Spectrum on the theme “DEEPFAKE DETECTORS” on 7th May,2023. The event kicked off as per schedule at 4.00 PM where Dr. Soma
Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter,
greeted the audience with her welcome note.
The aspiring speaker of the webinar was Mr. Sai Sakthivel, Mastermind of
Sairam UBA and IEEE TEMS Member. He with his energetic gesture,
marked his valuable speech for everyone up there to be aware of
unnoticed acts, the talk behind deepfake detectors and proved himself to
deliver the best of what he always does, making the session an exuberant
and informative one.

Finally, Ms. Srinithi S, Chairperson, SEC IEEE CS SBC furnished the Vote
of thanks and abridged the webinar. This webinar has once again cleared
and enlightened the young masterminds on a clear scale of what they
were and assured for what there are ought to.

Reported by : Dr. Soma Prathiba, Chapter Advisor, SEC IEEE CS SBC

NAME OF THE EVENT:Yesist 12 Maker Fair, Innovation Challenge, Junior Einstein

VENUE:JE & IC online MF offline

DATE:JE 15-05-2023 31-4-2023 IC & MC


RESOURCE PERSONS:Chief Guest :Ramalatha Marimuthu,Founder :iexplore foundation


Junior Einstein:

The event acted as a stage for students to showcase their project ideas. The chief guest were motivating and enthusiastic participation of students from various schools in transforming their creative concepts into tangible realities. Students showed their best. 

Innovation Challenge:

The event acted as a stage for students to showcase their project ideas. It was held for three days with a motivating speech by the chief guest and enthusiastic participation of students in transforming their creative concepts into tangible realities is the journey that molds our world.
Maker Fair:

The event acted as a stage for students to showcase their project ideas. The chief guest were motivating and enthusiastic participation of students in transforming their creative concepts into tangible realities is the journey that molds our world.
heir age.

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology
associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer
Venue: Online (Google Meet)
Date of Event: 30-04-2023
FUTURE Speaker details: Mr. Adithya B, Content Lead, SEC IEEE CS SBC.
Target Audience: Students across years
Attendance: 40
Brief Description:
The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering
College successfully conducted the 8th session of “SPECTROGLANCE”- IEEE Spectrum Series on the theme “ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR
FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE” on 30th April 2023. The event kick-started at 4.00 PM where Ms. Srinithi S, Chairperson, SEC IEEE CS SB
Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note.The remarkable speaker of today’s webinar was Mr. Adithya. B, Content
Committee Lead, SEC IEEE Computer Society SBC. He enlightened the audience about the advanced semiconductors and their merits over the
currently used Silicon based semiconductors form both an economical and environmental standpoint. Finally, Mr. Chidambara Raja, Program Advisor, SEC IEEE CS SBC furnished the Vote of thanks and wrapped up this event joyfully. Overall , the session was fruitful to the young creative fellowship.

Reported by : Dr. Soma Prathiba, Chapter Advisor, SEC IEEE CS SBC

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  25-04-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No

Topic: Knowing Your IEEE – Alumni Talk

Speaker details: Mr.Niranjan Kumar S Ex-Chairperson,IEEE SAC Madras Section Regional 10 Lead,IEEE XTREME 17.0,SEC IEEE CS SBC Student Exe-com member.IEEE WIE AG PR mentor, IEEE Computer Society SBC.

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 55

Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College successfully conducted a webinar on “Knowing Your IEEE” – Alumni Talk on 25th April 2023. The Webinar kick-started at 03:00 PM where Dr. Soma Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note. 

The remarkable speaker of today’s webinar was Mr.Niranjan Kumar S Ex-Chairperson,IEEE SAC Madras Section Regional 10 Lead,IEEE XTREME 17.0,SEC IEEE CS SBC Student Exe-com member.IEEE WIE AG PR mentor, IEEE Computer Society SBC.He manifested his ideas on how the IEEE organization works and, its benefits, the various events conducted, and its funding opportunities. He also elucidated the details of IEEE membership and it’s usages for undergraduate students. The interactive session on a technological expedition about IEEE was informative. Meanwhile, he sorted out all the queries raised by the students thus illuminating them. 

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology
associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer
Venue: Online (Google Meet)
Date of Event: 23-04-2023
Speaker details: Mr. Abhijay Gopal, Chair Person, SEC IEEE EDS
Target Audience: Students across years
Attendance: 40
Brief Description:
The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering
College successfully conducted the 7th session of “SPECTROGLANCE” – IEEE Spectrum Series on the theme “EV TRANSITION IS HARDER
THAN ANYONE THINKS AND FALSE STARTS” on 23th April 2023.The event kick-started at 4.00 PM where Dr. Soma Prathiba, Chapter
Advisor,SEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note.
The remarkable speaker of today’s webinar was Mr. Abhijay Gopal, Chair Person, SEC IEEE EDS. The session was a brief introduction to the
history and evolution of EVs, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages challenges. The speaker then discussed the major trends and drivers that
are shaping the future of EVs, including government policies,technological advancements, and consumer preferences.

Finally, Ms. Srinithi S, Chair Person, SEC IEEE CS SBC furnished the Vote of thanks and wrapped up this event joyfully. Overall, the session
was fruitful to the young creative fellowship.

Reported by : Dr. Soma Prathiba, Chapter Advisor, SEC IEEE CS SBC

Name of the organizing unit: SSEC IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter and Department of  Information Technology.

Date of event: 3rd April  2023. 

Venue: SSR hall, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College,West Tambaram, Chennai-44.

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No

Topic: “Extramilers ” – An Investiture and Award Ceremony.

Speaker details: Mr. Aravindhan Anbazhagan,Past Chair, IEEE Madras Young Professional , Board of Governor, IEEE PROCOMM Society.

Target audience: 2nd year and 3rd year Department Of Information Technology.

Attendance: 90+

Brief description:

SSEC IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter and Department of Information conducted an award event titled “Extramilers” on 3rd April 2023.  SSEC IEEE CS SBC Chapter Advisor Dr. Soma Prathibha welcomed the guest of Honour and the participants. During this event, Dr.T.Sheela, HOD of Information Technology, Dean Networking, addressed the gathering for the event and Chief Guest Mr. Aravindhan Anbazhagan was welcomed with honour.The speaker emphasized about his journey in IEEE from the beginning as an individual member There were three sessions in this event, The honorary awards were distributed to the chapter members, Investiture Ceremony 2023 and Panel Discussion by Chief Guest with the Panel Members and Students.

The first segment of the event was award distribution. There were a total of 10 categories under which the awards were distributed. After successful distribution of awards, SSEC IEEE SB counsellor Mrs. Soma Prathiba Mam and HOD of Information Technology Mrs. Sheela Mam congratulated each and every student and insisted everyone to contribute more and improve their skills.Mr. Niranjan Kumar, Chair person SEC IEEE CS SBC shared his experience about being a member in IEEE and volunteering for the society and New Chapter’s esteemed logo was introduced by respected dignitaries for the SEC IEEE CS SBC . 

The Second segment of the event was Investiture Ceremony 2023, of SEC IEEE computer Society in which New Upcoming Office bearers for  SEC IEEE CS SBC for the 2023-2024 were announced and Active Volunteers from 2nd years were recognised for their contributions and achievements in the SEC IEEE CS SBC .

The Third segment of the event was Panel Discussion conducted by Mr.Aravindhan Anbazhagan with Panel members and Students. It was an very interactive session,they discussed about IEEE Community and its benefits as an member in it and about the opportunities in the IEEE and Panel members discussed about their experience and volunteering in SEC IEEE CS SBC and Mr. Niranjan Kumar, Chair person presented the annual report of SEC IEEE CS SBC for the year 2022-2023 and Eventually, Ms. Srinithi, Joint Secretary, furnished the Vote of Thanks and wrapped up this event joyfully.


Name of Organizing Unit: Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Hybrid mode

Date of Event:  29-12-2022, 30-12-2022, 10-01-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No

Topic: C’Thon – C programming language competition

Speaker details: Mr Sriram Vembu, AVP-CTS

Target Audience: 1st year College students

Attendance: 240

Brief Description:

 SSEC IEEE Computer Society organized an event named, “C’Thon – C programming language competition” exclusively for the students of first year in hybrid mode.

The first round was held on 29th of December from 7.30 pm via Zoom Meeting. Nearly 240 students participated in the first round. This round was a Technical quiz which held questions related to the C programming language. Top 40 students were selected for Round 2.

The second round dealt with Debugging the errors in the C program which was held on 31st December, 2022, in which 16 students were selected for the final round of C’Thon.

The Final round of C’Thon was held on 10.01.2023 at SSR Hall, Sri Sairam Engineering College. The final round was judged by Mr. Sriram Vembu, AVP – CTS. This round is finding the output for the given program and it was a Buzzer Round. Then the judge, addressed the event and distributed the prizes for the top 3 winners of this event.

Event Name: Entervista 

Organising Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with Student Branch of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society 

Venue: Online(Google Meet, Hackerrank-Round 2)

Student Coordinators: 

Kishore M A

Sri Shakthi K

Aakash K

(2nd year IT)

Total number of rounds:3

Round-1: One Shot (Aptitude)

Round-2: KoderZ (Coding and Debugging)

Round-3: Interview Panel (HR Round)

Brief Description:

The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College successfully conducted the event Entrevista based on students’ attention towards cracking Aptitude, Coding and Interview rounds during Placement.

Round-1: One Shot

An Aptitude round held on 1st March 2023, comprises Aptitude questions to check the participants knowledge in Aptitude conducted in Online mode (GMeet).

Time: 7-9 PM 

Round-2: KoderZ

A coding round comprises coding and debugging questions conducted via Hackerrank platform on 1st March 2023.

Time: 10-11 PM 

Round-3: Interview Panel

A HR round conducted through online mode (GMeet) on 10th March and 11th March,2023 is divided into 2 batches. The Round-3 is held in presence of Panellist members 

  • Manikandan M, 

Senior Data Engineer,

IBM India Pvt limited 

  • Manju Ramachandran, 

Technical Software Consultant, Digitran IT Software Solutions Private Limited 

Time: 7:30 PM-9PM

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  15-04-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No


Speaker details: Mr.Vignesh L, Project Lead, SEC IEEE CS SBC.

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 30

Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College successfully conducted the 6th session of “SPECTROGLANCE” – IEEE Spectrum on the theme “FINDING SOMERTON MAN ” on 15th April 2023. The event kick-started at 4.00 PM where Dr. Soma Prathibha, the Chapter Advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, greeted the gathering through her welcome note. 

The remarkable speaker of today’s webinar was Mr. Vignesh L, Project  Lead, SEC IEEE Computer Society SBC. He enlightened the audience about how the mysterious case of Somerton Man was solved with the help of technology.

Finally, Ms. Srinithi S, Chairperson, SEC IEEE CS SBC furnished the Vote of thanks and wrapped up this event joyfully. Overall, the session was fruitful to the young creative fellowship.

Reported by : Dr. Soma Prathiba, Chapter Advisor, SEC IEEE CS SBC

Name of Organizing Unit: Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter

Venue: Digital Laboratory

Date of Event:  21-02-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No

Topic: Seminar on Product Development and ideas for startups.

Speaker details: Mr. Shyam Kumar M – Chair, SSEC IEEE IES SBC, Mr. Nitish Raja K L- Vice Chair, SSEC IEEE ITS SBC

Target Audience: First year students

Attendance: 40

Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology in association with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College organized its second episode of webinar series on “Experience Gained is Experience Shared” and it was on the theme “Seminar on Product Development and ideas to startup” on 21st February 2023. The webinar kick-started at 3:00 pm. Ms. Sneka, Lead of the Design Committee addressed and welcomed the gathering. 

The notable speakers of today’s webinar were Mr. Shyam Kumar, Founder of Vision Startup, and Chairperson of SSEC IEEE IES SBC, and Mr. Nithish Raja, Vice Chairperson of SSEC IEEE ITS SBC, and Advocate of Code Club. Mr. Shyam manifested his ideas on What is a startup, how to start an own startup, the challenges faced by him and still undergoing via a startup, strategies to sustain, and what are all the products his company had developed so far.

Later, Mr. Nitish Raja spoke about his projects. Firstly, he started with what is a project, what are the different types of product that can be delivered, and his experience. He had worked with more than 6 projects and presented how to select a problem statement and what makes an innovation from the existing solution to the proposed solution. Later he also added more points on paper publication and patent grants of the project. Meanwhile, they sorted out all the queries raised by the students thus illuminating them. They took the whole session in a very interactive manner by  displaying memes.

Eventually, Mr. Chidamabara Raja G, the Event Coordinator, Program Committee Lead of SSEC IEEE CS SBC delivered the Vote of thanks and wrapped up this Webinar. Overall, The session was fruitful to the young creative fellowship who are very interested in doing projects.

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology of Sri
Sairam Engineering College associated with IEEE Computer Society.
Venue: Sri Sairam Matriculation School.
Date of Event: 04-01-2023
Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No
Topic: A Hands-on Workshop on IOT Basics
Target Audience: Sri Sairam Matriculation School Students.
Attendance: 80+

Brief Description:
The Department of Information Technology, in association with IEEE Try Engineering & IEEE Educational Activities and the IEEE Computer Society
Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College , successfully organised a hands-on session on IOT basics as part of a STEM awareness
programme for Sri Sairam Matriculation School students with the student volunteers of the IEEE Computer Society on January 4, 2023.
About the Event:
The event began at 12:30 with a cordial greeting from the principal of Sri Sairam  Matriculation School. Dr. Soma Prathibha, the chapter advisor of the SSEC IEEE CS SB Chapter, and Ms. Valarmathi greeted the audience and presented their perspectives on the session and the IOT’s use in the industrial sector. She discussed the importance of IOT knowledge for everyone.Student coordinators conducted an interactive session regarding IOT and explained the flow of events to the students. The participants were separated into teams, and volunteers began the hands-on activity. This event’s student
volunteers introduced students to the fundamentals of the Internet of Things (IoT) by demonstrating live models of experiments and explaining their practicalapplications.
A quiz was given at the end to quickly and entertainingly gauge the level of comprehension among the attendees. The top performers were awarded prizes.
The participants’ comments marked the end of the hands-on session. Niranjan Kumar S, Chair Person, IEEE CS SBC, gave the closing remarks and accepted the appreciation of the attendees.

Nirajan Kumar S
Edgar T
Kishore M A
Rampavithran RP

Reported by: Dr. Soma Prathibha, chapter advisor of IEEE SSEC CS SBC

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society

Venue: Online (Google Meet)

Date of Event:  03-10-2023

Whether funds received from IEEE exclusively for this event: No


Speaker details: Ms. Jyothika Athavale, President, IEEE Computer Society

Target Audience: College students

Attendance: 100

Brief Description: The Department of Information Technology, in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College, hosted an ecstatic webinar ‘WEBINAR ON SILICON LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT’ by Ms. Jyothika Athavale, President of IEEE MGA Computer Society on October 3rd, 2023, emphasized the significance of effectively managing silicon’s lifecycle in today’s technological landscape. Ms. Athavale’s keynote speech underscored the necessity of sustainable practices and responsible manufacturing throughout the lifecycle stages of silicon-based products.

The event featured engaging panel discussions involving distinguished industry experts and academics, focusing on the challenges and opportunities within Silicon Lifecycle Management. Discussions revolved around strategies to optimize product life cycles, enhance efficiency, and minimize the environmental footprint associated with silicon production and disposal. Attendees actively participated in knowledge exchange and networking, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to sharing best practices and innovative ideas.

Ultimately, the event left a profound impact on participants, inspiring them to adopt conscientious approaches to technological advancements. By promoting responsible innovation and sustainable practices, the event encouraged aspiring technocrats and researchers to contribute positively to the evolving landscape of technology and its management.

Name of Organizing Unit: Department of Information Technology associated with SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society.

Venue: Sri Sairam Engineering College

Date of Event: 22-11-2023 & 23-11-2023

Target Audience: Students across years from various colleges 

Brief Description: TechXelerate is a 2 day extravaganza hosted by Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, funded by IEEE Computer Society SYP TechX. TechXelerate was organised with a  variety of events, carefully curated to cater to both tech enthusiasts and those looking to explore beyond technology.TechXelerate was inaugurated on the 22nd of November 2023 at VRR Hall, Sri Sairam Engineering College. The event was started on a special note with various insightful keynote address from esteemed chief guests, Dr. Prerna Gaur, Mr. Shivam and Mr. Prashant Mohan. The participants then had the privilege to be guided by Mr. Selvam about building their own startup in the event Industrial Insights. Following that, the participants participated in a vibrant networking session.A section of the participants attended a very intuitive workshop on Mobile Application Development by Mr. Suganth throughout the span of 2 days.Codefete2.0 a high intense coding competition and PIC-ART-SO, an event to bring out participants’ artistic abilities were conducted on the first day of the event.The second day of the event had a variety of diverse events including Mock Interview, Startup Showdown, Web Aesthetic War and Orators Quest. These two days have been an exhilarating journey for us as organizers, and we sincerely hope that the events conducted provided valuable exposure and insights for all our participants.We thank all the participants, volunteers, coordinators and staff members who were involved in the smooth conduct of the event.