STEP 2020

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an  Inauguration of STEP 2020 – Discovering Your Professional Future in Leo Muthu Auditorium, SSR Hall on 4th January 2020.

The event began with Dr. Sheela ThavasiDean(N/W) HOD, IT Department welcomed the gathering. Dr. Rajendra Prasad A, Principal of Sri Sairam Engineering College in his Special Address, mentioned the importance of being an IEEE Member. Dr. Raja  J, HOD of Electronics and Communication Engineering delivered the Keynote Address. Mr. Arun M, Vice-Chair of IEEE Madras Young Professionals gave a brief outline about the Societies and Fundings available in IEEE, following which Dr. Venkatesh Kumar M, Immediate Past Chair of IEEE Madras Young Professionals delivered a talk on IEEE Young Professionals. Mr. Ashvanth B, Treasurer of IEEE Madras Young Professionals talked about STEP and how it helps in the professional growth of the graduating student members.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Brindha, Associate Professor of ECE.

The Richard E Merwin scholar Mr. Leoram Siddharth of Sri Sairam Engineering College shared his experiences with IEEE. The Inauguration ceremony ended with the IEEE Code of Ethics.


IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College in association with SPAA conducted “CODEFETE”, an Online Coding Competition on 03.06.2020 and 04.06.2020.

The event began with Dr. Sheela Thavasi, Dean(N/W) HOD, IT Department welcomed the gathering. Dr. Rajendra Prasad A, Principal of Sri Sairam Engineering College in his Special Address.

There were around 740+ students registered for the event across India. 


IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Webinar on “Find yourself through IEEE” by Ms. Janani Ramachandran WIC Coordinator,IEEE CS SYP India Editor in Cheif, Compute 8 and Ms. Indhumathi Gunasekaran, IEEE CS R10 Student Ambassador which is held on 08.11.2020. 


IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online International Webinar on “A better life in a better way” by Ms. Karen Pedersen, P.E. – 2017 , President, IEEE –  USA on 19.09.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online International Webinar on Standout From The Crowd” by Ms.Susan Kathy Land which focussed on the importance of good Resumes and how a resume plays a crucial role in making a good first impression on 15.08.2020.

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted International Webinars by IEEE professionals namely “Expertise Global Perspective” by Ms. Paige Kassalen through which participants acquired knowledge about the expertise global perspective on 13.06.2020.


IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted International Webinars by IEEE professionals namely “New trends in sustainable energy and clean technology” by Ms. Simay Akar which enlightened the participants on sustainable energy and its effectiveness on 04.07.2020.



IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Basics of R Language” by Dr. Soma Prathibha, Associate Professor which is held on 08.04.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Simulation Of Advanced Networking Concepts Using Packet Tracer” by Dr. Suresh Kumar M, Associate Professor which is held on 30.04.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Introduction to AWS” by Dr. Rani T P, Associate Professor which is held on 17.04.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Guide to Certification Paths” by Dr. Subha T, Associate Professor which is held on 16.04.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Webinar on Hackathon Awareness” by Dr. Ananthi M, Associate Professor which is held on 15.04.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Cloud Computing and Virtualization” by Dr. Ranjana R, Associate Professor which is held on 14.04.2020. 

IEEE Computer Society- Student Branch Chapter of Sri Sairam Engineering College has conducted an Online Intercollge Webinar on “Python with Data Science” by Dr. Sankari S, Associate Professor which is held on 13.04.2020.