In September 2023, Sri Sai Ram Institute hosted events such as a Forby series on PHP, MySQL, and web design, "Tech Beyond Borders" exploring international tech careers, and a session on "Unwrapping MediaPipe." Other sessions covered WIE opportunities, MathWorks introduction, Engineer's Day celebration, and an empowering talk with Mr. Elanchezhiyan Ragavan.
In August 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology conducted a webinar on "Embracing Careers from Volunteer Roots" by Mr. Heyram, emphasizing the career opportunities stemming from active volunteer involvement. Additionally, the Photon Society and Broadcast Technology Society organized "CareerCraft," a resume refinement workshop with industry speakers.
JUNE 2023
In June 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's activities included the Inauguration of the Signal Processing Society with a technical talk on silicon accelerators. Rendezvous by the Electron Device Society featured an SDG paper presentation, emphasizing sustainable development. Forby Series sessions covered leadership skills, machine learning basics, and a webinar on digital literacy.
MAY 2023
In May 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE Student Branch hosted the Summer Fiesta, blending technical events like IdeaWar with KodIEEEswaran for first-year students. The month featured a WebCode coding contest, workshops on Amazon Web Services and Generative AI, a Python programming challenges session, and an AWS Essentials Workshop
APRIL 2023
In April 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE Student Branch organized sessions exploring IEEE Vtools and OU Analytics, designing IEEE WordPress websites, and learning design principles for presentations. The Computational Intelligence Society announced election results, and a Forby series session covered practical insights into predictive learning using Sci-kit.
MARCH 2023
In March 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE Student Branch conducted the Yesist'21 Prelims blending online and offline activities, engaging participants in sustainable development discussions. They organized webinars on career opportunities in Kuwait's power sector, electric vehicle and smart grid interaction, and a motivational talk titled "Breaking Boundaries."
In February 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE Student Branch organized events such as "Blender: 3D For Beginners" and "Design Principles for Presentation." They also participated in an IEEE Awareness Talk, celebrated the 75th Transistor Anniversary with "Triogens," attended a project expo at Anna University CEG Campus, and conducted a "National Science Day Quiz"
In January 2023, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE Student Branch conducted a ForBy Series event on Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, covering basic concepts and practical tips. Additionally, an orientation session on "Unveiling Opportunities in IEEE Society Membership" was organized in collaboration with Sri Sairam Engineering College, providing insights for first-year students
In December 2022, the IEEE Student Branch of Sri Sairam Institute of Technology organized diverse events, including workshops on photography, machine learning, networking, leadership, and predictive learning. Additionally, they conducted a successful faculty development program on electronic tools for system design
In October 2022, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE branch marked IEEE Day with an event and excelled in IEEE Xtreme 16.0, ranking 1st internationally in active participants.
In September 2022, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE branch hosted events like "Fivethon 2.0" and seminars on "Robot Arm Design" and "SEO Guidelines." These activities reflected a blend of technical learning, coding competitions, and community-focused initiatives.
In August 2022, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE branch hosted an "Entrepreneurship Development Program" with N S Tarane Kumar and a webinar on the "Importance of Technologies in Artificial Intelligence." The month also featured a "Twist-In-Hack" event and a "Resume Writing & Career Opportunities" program by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
JULY 2022
In July, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE student branch organized a webinar on "Cyber Security Essentials." August featured a 3-day workshop on "AI & ML" and an engaging "Twist-In-Hack" event by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society presented a program on "Resume Writing & Career Opportunities" in August.
JUNE 2022
In June 2022, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology organized "Technofest," a collaborative offline and online event featuring various sub-events, encouraging active participation across different IEEE societies. In May, the IEEE Student Branch conducted "Exploring IEEE Sight" with Adhithya Subramani as the chief guest, focusing on site funding and IEEE society benefits.
MAY 2022
In May 2022, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology's IEEE Student Branch organized "Exploring IEEE Sight" with Adhithya Subramani as the chief guest, focusing on site funding, HAC, and IEEE society benefits. Additionally, IEEE Computer Society conducted an offline "Mind Hack" event, featuring technical games and talks by institute members.
APRIL 2022
In collaboration with various IEEE societies, organized "Technofest," featuring diverse events such as Tech Debate, Coding, General Quiz, and more, both online and offline. The event concluded with a valedictory ceremony to encourage active IEEE participation. In May, IEEE WIE Affinity Group conducted "You Too Can Achieve," with Ms. Vishnu Priya and Dr. B. Ravichandran as chief guests.
MARCH 2022
The IEEE Computer Society organized a seminar on "How to organize research papers" on March 3, 2022, providing valuable insights for final year students. Additionally, IEEE SB conducted events on "Eloquent expressions on opportunities for girls/women in education," the "Inauguration of Electron Devices Society," and the "Importance of IEEE membership & awards,"
We hosted an online event on "Machine Learning with WEKA," attracting over 80 participants. Additionally, IEEE SB inaugurated the Electron Devices Society, featuring Dr. D. Nirmal as the resource person in a hybrid event . Furthermore, a successful 4-day workshop on "Introduction to the world of data visualization with Microsoft PowerBI" was organized by IEEE Computer Society
We organized diverse events including an IEEE exploration, an international higher education webinar, an online Tamil debate competition "Kalaicharal," the inauguration of the Women in Engineering Affinity Group, an IEEE Spectral Reading event, and the tech quiz competition "Quizz o Grand," engaging hundreds of participants and featuring notable speakers and activities.