Events – 2022

Idea Desk 1.0

On 21st February 2022, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted IDEA-DESK 1.0, An Expert Talk on Innovation…

WebIt - A Hands-on Training Session on Web Development and Github

On 30th March 2022, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted an event “WebIt – A hands-on training session on Web Development and Github”…

IEEE ITS Office Bearers Meet

On 6th April 2022, the IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted a meeting with Dr. B Latha, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Chapter Advisor Mrs. D Kavitha, to discuss upcoming events and …

IEEE ITS Student Meet

On 13th April 2022, the IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted a ‘Student Meet’, for all the members. The meet commenced with a welcome address from Dr. B Latha, HOD, Department Of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College…

< Tag 404 >- Fundamentals of Web Development

On 13th April 2022, the IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter and the IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Society SEC Student Branch Chapter in association with Bigus’12 Technologies conducted an event “<Tag 404> – Fundamentals of Web Development ”…

TECH EDU - A Technical Outreach Program for School Students

On 28th April 2022, SB of Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE Computer Society, Information Theory Society, Educational Society and MIT Square in association with the Department of Information Technology and Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted…

IEEE ITS Student Meet - 2

On 11th May 2022, the IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted a meeting with its members to discuss the duties of 2nd year students. Members were assigned to different teams like social media team, report team, etc. and …

CanFig - A Hands-on Workshop on Figma and Canva

On 23rd May 2022, IEEE Information Theory Society, SEC Student Branch Chapter in association with Computer Society of India and Department of Computer Science and Engineering, conducted an event titled “CanFig –a two day hands on Design Training Session on Canva and Figma”…

IEEE ITS Office Bearers Meet - 2

On 12th July 2022, the IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted a meeting with its members to discuss the responsibilities of the Office Bearers and members of the society and the tasks to be completed to …..

MasterPrep - A Higher Studies Awareness Program

On 5th August 2022, Department of Computer Science and Engineering and IEEE Information Theory Society(ITS), SEC Student Branch Chapter, in association with CSE Career Guidance Cell, Sri Sairam Engineering College. Dr B Latha, Dean- Skill Development & Head of Department …

Paper-Con: An Insight into Paper Publication, What, Why and How?

On 18th August 2022, Department of Computer Science and Engineering and IEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) SEC Student Branch Chapter, Sri Sairam Engineering College conducted Paper-Con, an event aiming to shed light on the process of writing research papers. …

Membership Drive - A membership drive for IEEE ITS

On 22nd August 2022, the IEEE Information Theory Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted a membership drive called “Membership-Drive”. The drive commenced at 02:15 PM and the students were given a brief introduction about IEEE ITS. …