IEEE Student Branch Lecture Series:

The initiative, started under the guidance of Dr. B. Viswanathan, Dean(SEEE), SASTRA University, is aimed at organising lectures, which will create general awareness among the participants on various topics, and promoting the research interests. Students will gain exposure to various topics of contemporary relevance. Under this initiative, the following lectures have been organised.

  1. LS-01 “A Brief Overview of Research and its prospects” by Dr. Uma Maheshwari, Associate Dean-School of Chemical Biotechnology, SASTRA University, October 2013
  2. LS-02 “Nanosensors and their real time applications” by Dr. John Bosco Balaguru, Associate Dean(Research),-SEEE, SASTRA University, January 2014
  3. LS-03 “Importance of Nuclear Power Plants” by Dr. P. Swaminathan, Dean, School of Computing, SASTRA University, February 2014
  4. Ls-04 “Solar Photovoltaics and the present trends” by Dr. Bairava Ganesh, AP, School of EEE, SASTRA University, August 2014
  5. LS-05 “Essential Mathematics for Engineering Projects” by Dr. K.Kannan, Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences, SASTRA University, September 2014
  6. LS-06 “Embedded Systems and VLSI Design-The present scenario” by Prof J. Siva, AP, and Prof. R.Sundararaman, AP, SEEE, SASTRA University, October 2014, in collaboration with ASCIEE.

IEEE Membership Awareness Programs:

To enlighten the students of the university about the various benefits of IEEE Membership plays a vital part. IEEE Student Branch at SASTRA, has conducted IEEE membership awareness programs, as a part of their Membership Development Initiatives. These sessions were handled by members of the Student Branch, who explained some of the various benefits of IEEE Student Membership. Some highlights of the various programs are as follows:

  1. IEEE Membership Awareness Camp, September 12th, 2013. Addressed by Mr. Avireddy Hemesh, Chairman IEEE SB (2013-14). Dr. S. Venkatesh, Counselor, IEEE SB (2013-14) and Dr. R. Ganapathy, Co-ordinator, IEEE SB(2013-14) also gave their valuable inputs to the audience.
  2. IEEE Membership Awareness Program, December 27th, 2014, Addressed by Ms. Nandhitha Venkatesh, Secretary IEEE SB (2014-15). Dr. R. Ganapathy, Counselor, IEEE SB(2014-15) gave his own views about the benefits of IEEE Membership.
  3. IEEE MAP 2015 for Second and Third Years, September 25th, 2015, Addressed by Mr. T.M. Lakshman, Chairman, IEEE SB (June 2014 to October 2015) and Mr. R.Sudharshan, Head-M&P, IEEE SB (June 2014 to October 2015). Prof. M. Balasubramanian, Counselor, IEEE SB, also spoke to the audience about his experiences as IEEE member.
  4. IEEE MAP 2015 (For First Years), December 30th, 2015, Addressed by Mr. R.Sudharshan, Chairman, IEEE SB (Nov 2015 to present). Prof. M. Balasubramanian, Counselor, IEEE SB, gave his valuable inputs.
  5. IEEE MAP 2016 (For First and Second Years), September 1, 2016 Addressed by Mr. M. Sanjay, Chairman, IEEE SB and Benefits of IEEE by Mr. B. Ashvanth, Treasurer, IEEE SB were the highlights.
  6. IEEE MAP 2017 (For First and Second and third Years), August 28, 2017 Addressed by Mr. J. Srinivas, Chairman, IEEE SB,Benefits of IEEE by Mr. B. Vishnu sai, Treasurer and “A journey with IEEE” by Mr.Sai vignesh IEEE SASTRA SB.

Internship Guidance Programs: 

Research internships at top research institutions, and industrial internships in core industries, add immense value to the profiles of engineering students. In order to provide proper guidance to the students, while applying for internships, writing statements of purpose or the write-ups, and regarding the application procedures, and to create a general awareness about the various opportunities and the value of such internships, IEEE SASTRA SB, conducted IEEE SASTRA SB Internship Guidance Program 2014 on 20th October 2014.

Various students of the University, who had pursued their internships at various research institutions and core industries, were the resource persons on the day. The program also included a Skype Call from Mr.T.L.Prasanna Venkatesan, Co-founder,, who briefed about the importance of taking up internships and how IEEE supplements that.

As a follow-up to this event, IEEE Student Branch at SASTRA, has created a Facebook Page: IEEE SASTRA University Internship Guidance Forum. Through this page, regular updates about various internship opportunities are shared with the viewers. Proper guidance is provided with the help of different resource persons for the users through requests on the page.


Workshops are the one of the most efficient means of imparting practical knowledge. Apart from what students experiment with, in the laboratories, the workshops provide an opportunity for the participants to gain practical exposure and hands-on experience on various topics.

IEEE Student Branch, in the past, has organised the following workshops.

  1. Programming and Prototyping Products using Microcontrollers” Handled by Mr. Rajeev Ranjan Jha, Lead, Openhware. This workshop was conducted in two phases. Phase One on January 19, 2014 on Basics of Microcontrollers and the prerequisites for the workshop. Phase Two, held on Feb 1st 2014, the main topics were dealt. A workshop kit, containing Atmega 8 controller, a programmer, USB cable, resistors and LEDs were provided.
  2. Virtual Instrumentation and its Engineering Applications-LabVIEW” Handled by Prof. R. Sundararaman, AP, SEEE, SASTRA University. This workshop was held in October 2014.The workshop focused on basics of NI-LabVIEW and some specific applications such as data acquisition and waveform generation.
  3. “PCB Design Workshop” Handled by Dr. James A Baskaradas, SAP(ECE) and Prof N. Raju, AP-3(ECE), SEEE, SASTRA University. This workshop was held, in association with ASCIEE, on 28th February 2016. The workshops concentrated on basics of PCB Design using Eagle Platform. Then the participants were given hands on experience with their own kits on how to make their own PCB Boards. Each team was provided with a kit consisting of basic components required to make a simple PCB.

IEEE Student Branch aims to conduct more such workshops in the near future. Stay tuned to the website for updates.

IEEE Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) 2014:

The Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) is a formal event that aims to bridge the gap between students and their career goals. SPAC offers students and employers a unique opportunity to network with each other in a professional environment along with professionals and academics representing different fields. IEEE SASTRA University SB conducted SPAC 2014, on March 8th 2014. With around 220 participants from various fields of engineering and various academic institutions, SPAC 2014 was a grand success. The event had eminent speakers from industry, academia and IEEE. There was a panel discussion, containing all the resource persons, during which the participants got their chances to ask their doubts, which were clarified by the panelists. This, has been the biggest event organised by IEEE SASTRA SB so far. For more details about SPAC 2014, Visit:

IEEE Day 2015:

IEEE Day:  Celebrating the first time in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. IEEE Day is celebrated worldwide by student branches, IEEE Sections, Regions, Affinity Groups etc. with various events and activities marking the day. IEEE SASTRA SB, started celebrating IEEE Day with an event from 2015.

IEEE Day 2015 was celebrated on 6th October 2015, with the theme: Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE focuses on what’s next. IEEE Day 2015 was marked by a technical quiz contest, with the prelims on the previous day. The finals of the contest was held on IEEE Day, along with a couple of presentations on some interesting technologies, by Mr. A.R.Singaravadivel, Chairman, ASCIEE and Mr. R. Sudharshan, Chairman, IEEE SB. The celebrations were organised in association with ASCIEE.

IEEE Day 2016:

IEEE Day 2016, was celebrated on 12, 13, 14 October 2016, with the theme “Advancing Technology For Humanity”, by conducting series of events.

Analysing circuits – This event is based on predicting the output or debugging the given circuits, and conducted by R. Methuneshwaran and K. Mounika, IEEE SB Members.

Article writing – The participants have to write an article on the theme Technology for Humanity in about 150 words. This was conducted by Vishnu Sai and K. Mohan, IEEE SB Members.

Coding Contest – The participants have to code for the given problem statement. The event was hosted online through QuestionWriter Platform conducted by MN Tarun Kumar, Rajesh A, Srirag CS.

Idea Presentation – This event was hosted on the theme of Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow conducted by Archanaa S and Ragini R, IEEE SB Members.

Quiz – The quiz covered various fields and disciplines, pertaining to technology and science, which happens to be the very purpose of the foundation of IEEE and conducted by M. Sai Vignesh, Ramyashree, Tejasree, Shaik Aaisha, IEEE SB Members.

Whatsapp Quotes – The participants have to send the two lines quotes on the theme of IEEE conducted by Adithiyan and Balaji, IEEE SB Member. The best ten quotes published in our SB Website.

IEEE Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) 2016:

SPAC 2016 was conducted by the Student Branch on March 19th and 20th, 2016. Ten resource persons were invited from industry, academia and IEEE. The resource persons covered topics on various benefits and opportunities of IEEE membership, Startups and entrepreneurship, internship preparation etc. The Conference also included a brainstorming session on “Smart Cities, Smarter Solutions” and an idea presentation event on the theme “Humanitarian Technologies”. Around 100 IEEE Members and Non-members from various institutions in Madras Section attended the conference. SPAC 2016 was a grand success, with overwhelming positive feedback from the speakers as well as participants. There were several group activities held, to emphasize the importance of networking and IEEE.


Basics of MATLAB and few MATLAB programs have been taught to 250+ students who were actively participated. At the end of the session,few programs has been given to solve by the students and goodies were given to the first three people who shown the output.Resource Persons: Prof Dr. R. Sundararaman, Dept of ECE, SASTRA deemed University.


IEEE SASTRA SB conducted a membership orientation programme on August 3 rd , 2018. We got a great response from the first year students. In order to increase the participant’s interaction, the orientation started with a GOOGLE doodles quiz followed by a talk on “What is IEEE?” by Mr.Mohan Kandaiah, Chairman of SASTRA SB, and “Benefits of IEEE” by Mr.Praveen Raj, Vice-Chairman of SASTRA SB, and “Functional elements of IEEE” by Mrs.Uthra, Treasurer and Membership development head, in which participants were elaborated about the competitions, technical magazines, projects funding and conferences conducted by IEEE. Networking session was also held to make the participants understand necessity of improving their networks and how IEEE would help them in it. Orientation concluded with feedback from participants. Participants explained how the orientation was beneficial to them in knowing about IEEE while pointing out a few areas of improvement.


IEEE SASTRA SB conducted a Quiz competition which was an written test consisting of some technical and aptitude questions. Along with the quiz questions participants were asked to solve Sudoku puzzles. The participants actively participated in the competition and the winner was gifted with one year IEEE membership amount by IEEE SASTRA SB counselor Mr.M.Balasubramaniam. The test was conducted by the SB members Mohan, Praveen, Venkatraman, Sanjay and Gokula Krishnan.

IEEE Rural Upliftment SIGHT 2018:

Our SB member Karthikeyan along with five other SB members went to Sirumalai forest Reserve school on 08 September, 2018 and conducted an science awareness session using STEM kit. The school students were taught experiments based on sound, light and air which would help them get into science much easily. The kids learnt a lot from our volunteers.

IOT home automation Workshop 2018:

IEEE SASTRA SB on 6th and 7th October 2018 organized a home automation workshop for Sastra students. Nearly 35 students participated in this workshop and learnt how to use NodeMCU for automating IOT applications. Gowtham from 4th year EEE handled this workshop and taught students in working with Node MCU and controlling data from Ubidots cloud.

IEEE Xtreme coding competition awareness program 2018: 

IEEE SASTRA SB conducted an awareness and guidance program about IEEE Xtreme coding competition on 7th October 2018. Praveen Raj explained the uses of attending the programming competition.

IEEE AISSYC October 2018:

Our SB members Gokul and Praveen Raj attended the All India Computer Science Society Youth Congress held at Goa. It mainly focused on Entrepreneurship and Networking with Co-IEEE members from all parts of the country . Also they gained knowledge of how computer society of India functions and learnt about 3D Printing.

IEEE Women in Technology Summit 2018:

Our SB members Sanjay, Mukesh Kumar and Venkatraman atended the Women in technology summit conducted by CAS India at NIT Surathkal on December 2018. They gained knowledge on several upcoming technologies and insights of hosting IEEE conference.

IEEE PES society activities 2019 inauguration and guest lecture 4th January 2019

IEEE SASTRA SB-PES society in coordination with KRIYA-SASTRA organized a joint guest lecture on higher education opportunities in Japan. This guest lecture was presented by Prof.Tomonobu Senjyu, University of Ryukyus, Japan. The guest gave some insights on Power and Energy management in Japan. He also inaugurated the PES activities of Sastra SB for the year 2019.

IEEE PES Society drawing competition –  15th February 2019

IEEE SASTRA SB – PES society organized a drawing competition for school students in a village Chellapanpettai nearby to the University. School students were given drawing sheets and color pencils for drawing. The best colorings were awarded dictionaries to increase their learning capability.

IEEE PES SOCIETY Membership awareness program 2019

IEEE SASTRA SB – PES society members organized an awareness program on PES society benefits and guided other IEEE students in registering for PES society membership. Few students became PES society members after this event.

Orientation for SEEE Students – July 2019

A detailed talk on benefits and advantages of IEEE membership was given to School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering students of SASTRA. The orientation of SEEE students was conducted by SEEE department and the presentation was given by Dr.M.Balasubramanian, IEEE SASTRA SB Counselor. The students were enlightened about IEEE and few students enrolled them into IEEE after the orientation.

Guest lecture on IEEE Membership benefits 12th July 2019

A guest lecture IEEE membership benefits was conducted for the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering students. The guest lecture was given Dr. John Bosco Balaguru, Dean Sponsored Research, SASTRA University who has a great experience in publishing lots of research papers. The SB counselor, Dr.M.Balasubramanian also joined the lecture and enlightened students about IEEE and how to join IEEE.

 IEEE Antennas and Propagation society seminar 13th July 2019

A seminar on 5G Communications and Challenges was organized by IEEE SASTRA SB in coordination with IEEE APS MADRAS Chapter. Around 50 participants including students, professors attended the event and gained knowledge on 5G communication and its challenges.

IEEE EBS society awareness talk 27th July 2019

An awareness talk was given by Praveen Raj Masilamani , Chairman of IEEE SASTRA SB to the biotechnology students regarding EBS Society. Around 40 students attended the talk and gained knowledge about IEEE EBS Society.

 LaTeX Workshop 24th August 2019

The workshop on LaTeX software was organized by IEEE SASTRA SB. The workshop was handled by Dr.T.K.Santhosh and Dr.Velamuri Suresh, AP III, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SASTRA University. The tutors gave brief insights on what is meant by LaTeX and how to install the software in laptops. They taught how to create beautiful documents using LaTeX and how to use online templates for predefined documents like IEEE papers etc., A google classroom was started for the participants to clarify their doubts. The participants turned out in good numbers and found the workshop was very useful for their professional careers. The participants ranged from students, research scholars, and faculties. IEEE SASTRA SB Execom members and volunteers coordinated the workshop and made it a great success.

IEEE DAY 2019 Events

QRIOSITY (Quiz event) – 28.09.2019

IEEE SASTRA SB organized a quiz event contained from general facts, fun facts and IEEE related awareness questions. The questions were prepared and the quiz session was conducted by Quizmaster Haricharan Raghunathan from EIE Third year. Around 25 teams participated in the event. They enjoyed the questions and participated with enthusiasm. Top three teams were selected from them and exciting prizes were given to them.

CIRCUITRIX (Electronic circuit designing event) – 29.09.2019

The circuit designing event started with a technical MCQ round. Around 25 teams attended the event. Top three teams were declared as winners.

 Code Mantra (Coding event) – 02.10.2019

The coding event started with around 30 teams. They were given a technical MCQ test covering basic C, C++ programming questions. It was followed by an online coding round hosted in the hacker rank platform.

Talent Hunt – 02.10.2019

The participants showcased their artworks on the theme “Leveraging Technology for a better tomorrow”.

IEEE SASTRA SB Annual year-end meetup – 27.12.2019

IEEE SASTRA SB Annual year-end meetup was organized by R.Venkatraman, Secretary. The event consisted of recollecting events conducted in 2019 and what are the future plans to promote IEEE inside the University. Praveen Raj Masilamani, Chairman of SASTRA SB gave his insights on volunteering experiences and gave a brief lecture to SB members on how to use IEEE wisely.


IEEE CSIS 2019 – 26th to 28th July 2019

Our SB Webmaster, Karthikeyan attended the three-day Computer Society India Symposium held in Kerala. He learned a lot of digital technologies. The key track was machine learning and he finally participated in a hackathon.

IEEE TEMS Industry Forum – 7th December 2019

Our SB members Praveen Raj, Anmol and 3 other members attended the TEMS Industry Forum organized by TEMS India in Bangalore. The SB members had a good networking session with Industry leaders. There were several brief lectures on managerial perspective on Industry and how engineers contribute for it.


Our IEEE SASTRA SB students Hari Hara Shankar and Hrithick Shankar attended the Madras Section Student Congress which was a two-day event. It comprised of technical talks and workshops. They learnt LAB View software and started their IEEE networking journey.

IEEE SIGHT event in Sirumalai Smart Village – 16.11.2019

Our IEEE SASTRA SB students became members of IEEE Sight group which works for Sirumalai Smart Village. The SB volunteers accompanied by Sight group members went to Sirumalai Tribal village situated in Dindugal district. They volunteered for solar lights installation, honey farming training for local tribes and conducted STEM activities for school students. The team travelled to the interior tribal hatchment through an adventurous road trip. They participated in the event along with IEEE ADSF Kanyakumari team, NGO from Dindugal and working professionals from Chennai and Bangalore. It was a good learning and networking experience for them.

Other Events:

Apart from the events mentioned above, IEEE SASTRA SB have organised the following events exclusively for IEEE Student Members from the university.

  1. A session on MATLAB-by Mr. Avireddy Hemesh, Chairman, IEEE SB (2013-14).
  2. A session on Adobe Photoshop-by Mr. Mohana Sai Edara, Design Lead, IEEE SB (2013-14)
  3. A visit to Anusandhan Kendra (ASK)-SASTRA’s Research Hub, to see and get to know about the research projects going on at SASTRA.
  4. To explore the technical skills of students, our SB conducted Online Tech test series covering the major technical subjects in ECE, EEE, EIE, CSE, IT, and ICT streams (2016).
  5. To explore our IEEE Members, a series of talk sessions, every week were arranged by our SB, where our IEEE Members gave technical talks on the topics of their choice.