About Us
Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering is the first Engineering College in Andhra Pradesh sanctioned and recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). This College is permanently affiliated to JNTUK from the Academic Year 2017-18.
Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering IEEE Student Branch (STB11558) was established on 20th October, 2019. The largest technical professional organization elevate the qualities of the members with its conference, technology standards, professional and education activities.

The Signal Processing Society is an international organization whose purpose is to advance and disseminates state-of-the-art scientific information and resources; educate the signal processing community and provide a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas.

The Signal Processing Society is a dynamic organization that is the preeminent source of signal processing information and resources to a global community. We do this by: being a one-stop source of signal processing resources; providing a variety of high quality resources to a variety of users in formats customized to their interests; adapting to a rapidly changing technical community; and being intimately involved in the education of signal processing professionals at all levels.