Ideathons are intensive brainstorming events where individuals from different backgrounds, skills and interests converge to diagnose predefined problems, identify the best opportunities and ideate the most viable solution.
Ideathon is a competition in which the student can share his/her idea and develop them. It can be conducted for any stream students like engineering, science etc. In this type of competitions, no prototype is required. It is a national level event. The idea can be of any topic like AIML, IoT, green electronics etc.,

To participate in the ideathon, the team need to contain 2-3 students(Faculty guide optional). The team leader needs to submit the abstract and register the team for the competition, the price for registration of IEEE members will be Rs.50/- (per team) and for non-IEEE members, it will be Rs. 100 (per team). The format of the abstract will be shared by the IEEE SPSU SB team for a flexible evaluation process. A team can present only one idea.