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Social Activity on “Basic of Computers”

September 16, 2017

Social Activity on “Basic of Computers”

Date: 16th Sept, 2017

WIE under IEEE Student’s Branch of our college has organized an activity ‘Basics Of Computer’ for Jijamata Z.P School, Shegaon students. It was organised to aware the students about the computer and its applications for class 5th, 6th and 7th standards.

The total program was completed within 1 hour with the due permission of school Principal Mrs. K. D. Bangale. It was conducted by four of our IEEE WIE members: Vaishnavi Thakare, TrushaDhage, Jesal Raja and Chaitrali Kaware.

We are very much thankful to Hon’ Principal Sir, Faculty Advisor Prof. P. R. Wankhede , school management and the students for their great response .