The Srinivas University IEEE Student Branch arranged a Webinaron “Copyright – An Intellectual’s Property” onthe 21stof December 2020.  Dr.Ganesha H. R., CEO- Consulting, Gramss Retail, Bengaluru and Post Doctoral Fellow, College of Management and Commerce, Srinivas University Manguluru was the resource person. In his session, he explained the importance of copyright, how to get a copyright, and when to go for copyright. He demonstrated the process of filing the copyright on the copyright website of India.

“Copyright is an intellectual’s property as it protects the owner’s original idea. The idea may be software, an art, a design, a picture, or a research article published in a journal. Unlike a patent, copyright has no investment to obtain and maintain it. Interestingly its validity is 60 years from the author’s demise. Academicians have the original idea and a lot of creativity but unfortunately, they give less importance to copyrights. Industrialists on the other hand are well aware of the importance of copyrights. The same idea presented by different people can also receive copyright if the author has presented it differently. Copyright is an expression, not an idea.” he said.

Dr. Krishna Prasad K, Counselor, IEEE SUSB guided the proceedings of the webinar. The event was managed by MrsGeethaPoornima K, Secretary IEEE SUSB.

The program was attended by approximately 100participants, including members of the Srinivas University Student Branch and Research Scholars of Srinivas University.