IEEE SB Membership Drive 2k22
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, IEEE Student Branch (IEEE SVIT SB- STB11371) in association with IEEE Bangalore Section has organized IEEE Membership drive for 3rd semester CSE, ISE, CSE(AIML) & CSE (DS) UG Students.
This drive is organized on 23rd & 24th NOVEMBER 2022. Formal Function starts at 10.30AM followed with Creation of IEEE Membership.
3rd November, 2022
Webinar on Project Work Flow

Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with SVIT IEEE Student Branch & SVIT IEEE CIS/CS Student Community has organized a webinar on “PROJECT WORKFLOW”- Complete Details on Project work, Project Funding & benefits of presenting project work at the Conference & Journals.
Kindly register at :
E-Certificate will be provided for all active participants. Also, join the WhatsApp Group in the link provided in the Google form or from here
Targeted Students: UG & PG Final Year Students of all Engineering Branches.
Resource Person
1. Prof. Sunil G L Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE/ IEEE CIS-CS Student Community Advisor, SVIT.
2. Prof. Pradeep Kumar K, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE/ IEEE Student Branch Counsellor, SVIT.
3. Prof. Salma Itagi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE. SVIT.
4. Prof. Ashwini S S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE. SVIT.
2nd, 3rd & 4th November, 2022
Workshop on Tools and Techniques in Academic Research and LaTeX Tool Training
This Workshop is helpful for all the Research Scholars/Faculties and Final year Students in their ResearchWork to carry out the Literature Review Work, prepare Review/ Research Papers and Articles.
The Resource Persons for this 3 Days Hands-on Workshop are:
1) Dr. VENKATESHA M, Associate Professor, Dept of Electronics & Communication, SVIT
2) Dr. ASHA K, Associate Professor, Dept of Electronics & Communication, SVIT
3) Dr. CHAYA B M, Associate Professor, Dept of Electronics & Communication, SVIT
4) Prof. SURYANARAYANA N K, Assistant Professor, Dept of Electronics & Communication, SVIT
The Workshop gives insights on various Tools, Techniques & E-Resources available for various stages ofAcademic Research Work/Project Work. Overview on Plagiarism Checker Tools, Computational tools for effective representation of research data. To create various academic profiles for students and Faculties. Tips to prepare effective IEEE Conference Papers/ Research Papers.

IEEE Daksha
SVIT IEEE Student Chapter under IEEE Bangalore section is organizing 2-Day School Adoption Program on the 20th & 21st of October 2022 at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Campus. The Inauguration of the Event is been planned on 20th October 2022 at 10AM.
Follow us for more updates!
About 100 students of class 8th, 9th & 10th from “Sri Shankar Vidyashala Government School, Ramanahalli, Rajanukunte, Karnataka” are visiting SVIT campus for Computer literacy and STEM Outreach.
SVIT IEEE STB 11371 has scheduled 2-day event on Basics of Computer, Try Engineering, TinkerCad, Creative Arts and Indoor games for 2 days while keeping it fun and engaging.
14th Oct, 2022
International IEEE Day
Did you know that in 1963, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (#IEEE) was formed? At the time, IEEE had 150,000 members worldwide. Celebrate electrical engineering with us on IEEE Day, 4 October 2022!
In view of International IEEE Day Celebration & Extending the student IEEE membership at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, With the Guidance of Dr. Narayan K, SVIT IEEE student branch Advisor, IEEE Day 2022 is celebrated at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology on 14th October 2022 between 10AM to 12.50PM
Feel free to join us on this occassion!
19th August, 2022
Training Session on Virtual labs
IEEE SVIT Student Branch Chapter, in association with Institution’s Innovation Council National Digital Libraryof India & IEEE CIS / CS student branch is organizing the training hands on session on
Virtual LAB’S:
A Platform of National Institute of Technology, Karnataka.
We are pleased to bring your kind self that the Department of Computer Science & Engineering IEEE SVITStudent Branch Chapter, in association with Institution’s Innovation Council National Digital Library of India & IEEE CIS / CS student branch is organizing the training hands on session on “Virtual LAB’S” A Platform ofNational Institute of Technology,Karnataka Surathkal on August 19th, 2022 between 11.50AM to 01.00PM
The Objectives of the session are as follows
To provide remote-access to simulation-based Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering.
To enthuse students to conduct experiments by arousing their curiosity. This would help them in learning basic andadvanced concepts through remote experimentation.
To provide a complete Learning Management System around the Virtual Labs where the students/ teachers can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrationsand self-evaluation.
Resource Persons
Assistant Professor
IEEE SVIT Student Branch Counsellor -STB11371
Computer Science and Engineering SVIT, Bengaluru +91 9916561559
Prof. Salma Itagi
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering SVIT, Bengaluru +91 9916561559

13th August, 2022
Workshop on “DevOps and it’s need in SDLC”

One Day Workshop on DevOps and it’s need in SDLC
IEEE SVIT STUDENT BRANCH is organizing one day workshop on “DEVOPS & ITS NEEDS IN SDLC” in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and Institution’s Innovation Council, National Digital Library of India, along with IEEE CIS/CS Student Branch Chapter on 13th August, 2022.
About Devops:
DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases anorganization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at afaster pace than organization’s using traditional software development and infrastructure managementprocesses The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured process that enables the production ofhigh-quality, low-cost software, in the shortest possible production time. The goal of the SDLC is to producesuperior software that meets and exceeds all customer expectations and demand.
Resource Person:
1. Dr. Shantakumar B Patil, Head of the Department, Computer Science and Engineering SVIT, Bengaluru.
2. Ranjith Kumar T R Associate Manager, DevOps Support Engineering Accenture Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru.