No, We're in this NOT together

On March 24 th , 2020, Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi gave one of his famous 8 pm speech. The announcement of lockdown was a rather anticipated move, when compared to the other 8 pm speeches……Read more

Humans are social beings. Technology may just end up bringing us closer than ever before

The COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed many lives, economies, and societies. This
is a global health crisis that has drastically affected all segments of the population, particularly those without access to proper hygienic shelter, weakened immune systems, and …….Read more


With these sad realities in mind, boy, lockdown is not India's cup of tea.

“Ignore that fly on your nose and it will surreptitiously take roots and spread its tentacles”. China, US and Europe are the children of this profound quote. After a dangerous complacency by all the 3 nations, they witnessed a sudden surge….Read more – Anagha

and now we play pretend together, until we play dead again.

Let it be done, completely and irreversibly.
When life happens like an uncontainable explosion,
Why must I still pretend to be asleep?
Why must I still talk?…..Read more


"Finally, finally we are home", she whispered contently. Our quarantine of two weeks start now

10th May, 2020. Here starts our journey from Chennai to Kerala. My granddad-a heart patient- had sudden heart pain a few days back and it drove my dad into a frenzy. He had lost his mom just a year ago because she wasn’t taken to the hospital in time. The only real problem we felt was that…….Read more


But, every time they announce the extension of the lockdown, instead of feeling miserable, I feel a sense of relief. I think that many of us needed a break from life

Quarantine. I have mixed feelings about this one. Sure, I understand the big repercussions in terms of economy and many of the not so privileged people having to work…..Read more 


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