Posts tagged with: Webinar

How to think of Innovative Ideas, Implementing them Practically & Registering a Patent Application.

The Webinar Gave participants the opportunity to gain knowledge of
various topics and develop connections.
Topics Covered in Webinar:

Innovative / Creative thinking.
Experience-based learning.
How to draft a patent application
Who can draft the patent?
How Intellectual Property rights work.
International patent registration.
How cybersecurity plays an important role in our life.
Opportunities for …

Protecting Your Children In The Cyber World

Conducted on 25th May 2020 @ 3pm IST
Speaker of Webinar : Mr Rajshekhar Murthy
Topics Covered in Webinar
1) How cyber security plays an important role in our life.
2) What are the benefits of ISAC?
3) Data Breaches
4) What are the disadvantages of gaming?
5) Dunbar’s Number
6) Online Scams
7) …

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