The next objectives of Student Branch Federico II are:

  • Supporting IBM’s NERD Project for 2019;
  • Taking part in IEEEXTreme;
  • Support the organization of METROIND4.0&IOT 2019 – IEEE STUDENT HACKATHON;

PROJECT NERD? (Non È Roba per Donne)

Like last year, the IEEE Student Branch Federico II is actively taking part in supporting IBM’s NERD Project, an orientation event that allows female students from high schools to use IBM Watson and Bluemix in order to program a chat-bot. The objective of this event is to show to these future women that Informatic and Informatic Engineering are viable paths for them, in opposition with the current trend, according to which this wouldn’t be true. The event is structured as a competition. The participants split into groups of 3 members, and each group will create a unique chat-bot. The group that produced the best chat-bot wins the competition.

Members of the Branch will support the groups via tutoring, helping the participants successfully develop their bots competitively.


IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members—advised and proctored by an IEEE member, and often supported by an IEEE Student Branch—compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.  Teams of a maximum of 3 people can compete.

Federico II Student Branch has taken part in the 11th and 12th editions of IEEEXtreme, and will take part in the 13th edition scheduled this autumn, with at least one team, as it is interesting and useful for a Branch consisting of engineering students capable of programming to be able to compare and compete with other groups coming from all IEEE Regions. A secondary objective is to possibly increase the number of European teams in the toplists, currently put to shadow by the number of north-american teams in said lists.


The IEEE Student Branch Federico II will support the organization of METROIND4.0&IOT 2019 – IEEE STUDENT HACKATHON. More information can be found in the news article posted on this website. Click here to read more!