Becoming an IEEE member can be an overwhelming experience. So we’ve compiled a list of
instructions to help you out!


  1. Press the Join IEEE Button on the bottom of the page
  2. Choose the Join as Student button
  3. Choose “Create Account”
  4. Fill out these questions
  5. Verify your email
  6. Sign in again
  7. Press JOIN IEEE on the top right corner of the screen
  8. Press “Join as a student”. You can also browse any societies you’d like to join. Currently active societies at GJU include: Computer Society, Women in Engineering, Consumer Technology Society, Industrial Engineering Society, and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
  9. Keep filling all the necessary fields and pay for your subscription. If you’d like to get a discount, use one of these membership IDs as a reference:

98772148  /  98741928  /  98772113

If you encounter any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any IEEE board member.

  1. Once you finish, please send your membership ID to the secretary of the IEEE (Current: Raya Fasha) so that it can be validated. Once that is done, you will receive an invite to the IEEE WhatsApp group and whatever other society you joined.

Please note that you cannot request to join another society’s WhatsApp group if you don’t purchase the society membership.


 Discounts on memberships occur frequently. So keep an eye out!

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