Communications Society
Originally founded in 1952 as the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) Professional Group on Communication Systems (PGCS), today’s IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) has evolved to include a diverse group of global industry professionals dedicated to advancing all communication technologies and the improvement of the world around them.
An independent Society of IEEE since 1972, our 200+ Chapters in 142 countries is comprised of 24,000 members who—
- Produce 34 industry publications
- Organize 43 international conferences annually
- Foster educational programs
- Promote local activities with their Chapters
- Serve on our global technical committees
Today, we are proud to call IEEE ComSoc the premier international organization for engineering professionals in communications technology and information networking.
20March 2021Mother’s Day Event,
24March 2021The Rise of Big Data and Machine Learning with Cloud Computing,
08April 2021Kahoot Competition,