IEEE MMU-K Student Branch

IEEE MMU-K Student Branch was officially launched on June 3rd 2022. We have since been a very active student Branch taking part in various activities and events.

Our Student Branch has four IEEE Societies which include, Computer society, Women in Engineering Affinity Group, Power and Energy Society and the Photonics society. 

Mission statement

As a student branch focused on fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, our mission is:

  • Foster a culture of innovation: Encourage members to explore new ideas, take risks, and be creative. Organize events and activities that stimulate innovation and creativity.
  • Promote technological excellence: Provide members with opportunities to develop technical skills, stay updated on the latest technological advancements, and collaborate with industry professionals.
  • Serve the community: Use technology to address social challenges and improve the lives of people in your local community and beyond. Organize events and activities that promote social responsibility and community service.
  • Foster diversity and inclusion: Create an environment that is inclusive, welcoming, and respectful of diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Encourage members to collaborate across disciplines and work together to solve complex problems.
  • Build a global network: Connect with other student branches, industry professionals, and academic institutions around the world to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and learn from one another.

Overall, the mission of our student branch is to provide members with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to become leaders in the field of technology and use their knowledge to make a positive impact on society.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to position IEEE as an essential and universally recognized contributor to the global technical community. We envision a world where the contributions of technology and technical professionals are instrumental in improving global conditions and creating a better future for all.

To achieve this vision, we will strive to:

  • Promote social responsibility: We will leverage our technical expertise to address social and environmental challenges and promote a more equitable and sustainable future for all.
  • Advocate for the profession: We will be a strong and effective advocate for the technical profession, working to promote the value of technology and technical expertise and to ensure that the contributions of technical professionals are recognized and appreciated by society.

Through these efforts, we believe that IEEE will play a critical role in shaping the future of technology and advancing global progress. We will be an organization that technical professionals everywhere turn to for support, inspiration, and guidance, and our contributions will be recognized and valued by society as a whole.



Jully Kyambi Mutia


Bornface Ochieng


Stephen Odhiambo


Sarah Nur


Lenox Miheso

Publicity Lead

Mercy Mueni

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