That which must not be named has confined us and the survival package is what you are using to read this. According to a recent article on,WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram have gotten over a 40% spike in usage. Another report noted that TikTok, a video content app, has gotten over 115 million installs in the space of a month. Netflix, YouTube, Zoom, Skype have seen massive traffic.The internet has become the global highway, and my 3G car is too slow.

In an average lockdown day, your offline activities may just be eating and sleeping. Try not to check your data usage and screen time, you will be shocked. This increased internet use fuels both productivity and down right time-wasting ( also known as entertainment).

There are salient questions to be asked:

Why does it feel so difficult to do something worthwhile even with this much time? How do you become productive in this period?

This difficulty is similar to the way we pass time in a holiday but the contrast with this break is that your daily routine was suddenly broken. The first few weeks of the lockdown seemed enjoyable but now it is boring and we all just want to get back to the life.

In an article ‘What is Boredom?’ on Psychology today, it was cited that people need to have a reasonable level of psychological energy or arousal to feel bored. When people have low arousal and everything is normal, then they often feel relaxed. When they have high arousal, though, they have energy they would like to devote to something, but they cannot find anything engaging.

Interestingly, boredom is not such a bad thing. It simply means you have a lot of energy, but you don’t know where to use it. Your mail box is likely full of offers for webinars and online courses. Some of them must have been clicked and left waiting in your browser.

Except for those who have a working remote job, this situation is relatable and we are all trying to adapt to this norm.Nevertheless, we mustfind ways to be productive and get out of this lockdown, opened up as better people.

Here are three ways that could gear up your productivity:

Create a daily routine This sounds counterintuitivebut routines determine the flow of your day. Having a particular thing billed for each day keeps you in control and actually relieves mental stress and chronic boredom.The great thing is that your school or office is not in charge of this. So, you get to choose what goes where.

Don’t try everything. There is so much to do and learn. So, it looks like you can learn everything. This is not so feasible and you end up not doing any of them or leaving many unfinished. The most important thing is finding the areas that vibe with you. Take them down, and pick the top three. Once you’ve done this search for courses that will trace the path towards becoming fulfilled in your passions. Remember, having an online certificate doesn’t make you an expert. You have to keep learning and improving gradually.

Enjoy this time.In this time,it could be frustrating and depressing being at home. Instead of cursing that which should not be named, you should simply enjoy yourself and connect with those who matter most. Such a situation may not repeat itself in the next century, make the most out of it by paying attention to the little things that have the greatest value, love and harmony.

Till the doors are opened, stay home and stay safe.

Warm regards,                                                   



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