BE PREPARED by Elushade Oluwatumininu

Have you ever woken up from a short nap and felt like your whole system went through a restart?

You feel so fresh and wonderful and it seems like all the problems in your life were just thrown into the sea. That was the same feeling I had when I raised my head up in class.

The freshness was all gone when someone beside me said, “We are about to write a test!”.I knew I was in for it.I could hear shuffling of paper, pages being torn and zips sounding. I had no idea what to expect because the last time I had opened that book was the previous class.

I wasn’t ready.

Right now, there maybe no demands of school work if you happen to be a student because as it is, most schools are offline and there is no pressure to read or get ready for wicked test questions. If you are one of those with these concerns, please go and read.

Hence, if an elderly man who was in the Boys’ scout when he was younger tells you to be prepared on a general note. You could possibly think; prepared for what? Let us take life as it is. You really never know what could happen in the future.

The fact that we never know what to expect in the future makes it necessary for us to be prepared. Being prepared is not something you do just for a particular test or exam; being prepared is a lifestyle, a state of mind.

If preparedness is a lifestyle, why do we get prepared?

To Create the future

Abraham Lincoln once said, “The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.” This seems like just a quote that scams us all into thinking that the future is simply like a drawing board. The reality is that the future can actually be created when  younot only have a particular place you want to be, but you also set its path.

For example, if you want to be the greatest footballer on the planet, you wouldn’t play golf everyday.

You create the future by having a defined destination, and taking the required actions. These actions require consistency and determination. I wouldn’t make it seem like you have to be perfect at it, but the main thing to do is to keep doing things in that line.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Guess what? It continues with those same steps. So, keep creating your future, keep doing the things you love, and you will find yourself exactly where you want to be.

To handle adverse situations

The year 2020 wore a face mask at its entry, it gave us high hopes with diverse plans and preparations. Alas, 2020 removed its mask, showed us its real face, and gave us all masks to wear.

The truth about this journey is that things may not always go the way they are planned. You have to be prepared for things to go sideways and when they do, be prepared to handle yourself rightly. 

There is always a reason to smile, get back up and move on. Be prepared to take the hit, and get on with it. I agree that it would take a lot, but once you are prepared for it, you can find a way out and know that there is hope.

Whatever happens, you have a lot more ahead, more money to make and more people to help. Get up, look for a way around it and keep moving.

To take opportunities

You have probably heard the quote, “Opportunity comes but once.”I would like to rephrase that; “An opportunity once lost may never be regained”.

This means that opportunities always come to us in diverse cloaks andwe have to be prepared to take them as they come.

Take the risks and dare to win.Readily grab opportunities to learn, grow, and increase your value.

That big day you have been waiting for would not necessarily ask for your permission before it arrives. It could be tomorrow, next month, or any other time.

You have only one job – BE PREPARED.

Yours from the future,

Elushade Oluwatumininu.


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