IEEE EMBS MUET Student Chapter
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology MUET Student Chapter | First chapter of EMBS in Pakistan. Introducing advancement in Biomedical Engineering.

EMBS MUET Chapter Website

EMBS MUET is the first chapter of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) in Pakistan, which is introducing the latest technology of Biomedical field into Pakistan. EMBS MUET Chapter website strives to keep you updated on latest news and technical advances in the field of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.

Robotic gloves

“A team of European researchers have been developing robotic gloves aimed at helping stroke victims to receive advanced therapy at home. The SCRIPT project (Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-robotics) has led to two prototypes that help develop hand and wrist movement while recording monitoring and recording the patient’s ability to perform a variety of tasks.”
