IEEE EMBS MUET Student Chapter
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology MUET Student Chapter | First chapter of EMBS in Pakistan. Introducing advancement in Biomedical Engineering.

EMBS MUET Chapter Website

EMBS MUET is the first chapter of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) in Pakistan, which is introducing the latest technology of Biomedical field into Pakistan. EMBS MUET Chapter website strives to keep you updated on latest news and technical advances in the field of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.

Biomedical Engineering

An open letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan and Chief Minister of Sindh from Biomedical Engineers of Sindh

The Honorable Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Prime Minister of Pakistan Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Islamabad & The Honorable Mr. Syed Syed Murad Ali Shah Chief Minister of Sindh Chief Minister’s Secretariat Karachi, Sindh   Sirs, It is hereby informed to your good self that this letter has been penned down from the ink of Biomedical Engineers […]

Customized 3D Printing Trending in Medicine

Every now & then we stumble upon news articles highlighting rave reviews on the miracles of 3D printing technology. What’s this all hype about in real sense? How does it benefit industries at large? And if it can, why have we not seen its mass production yet? Such and so many other questions might have […]

3-D Bioprinting – Your Full Guide to Become a Tissue Engineer

“Begin your journey with motivation so you end up an Inspiration.” Motivation “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants,” said Isaac Newton. I came across that quote one day when I was exploring a Calculus textbook, and right then it hit me deep. Much intrigued as […]

What the Mother of Innovation Teaches Us

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood,” said Marie Curie, who, amongst us might be just another name we came across while going through some topic on radioactivity. However, in the world of science and technology Marie Curie is regarded as the mother of innovation. She’s one exceptional mother […]

Deaf people will hear by tounge.

Cochlear implants are expensive, invasive and are occasionally unsuitable for elderly patients – so scientists are working on a device which sends small electric shocks to the wearer’s tongue and allows them to ‘hear’ sounds. Cochlear implants have had great success in restoring hearing to deaf patients, but the surgery is invasive, expensive and not […]

Robotic gloves

“A team of European researchers have been developing robotic gloves aimed at helping stroke victims to receive advanced therapy at home. The SCRIPT project (Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-robotics) has led to two prototypes that help develop hand and wrist movement while recording monitoring and recording the patient’s ability to perform a variety […]

Bionic Hand that Can Feel.

More bionics? You betchaNow we’re looking at the first bionic hand that can feel. The research is headed by Silvestro Micera, of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. He recently presented his work at the 2013 Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Boston. The device […]

Signostics Grabs FDA Clearance for SignosRT Automatic Bladder Scanner

Signostics , a company out of Clovelly Park, Australia, won FDA clearance to introduceits SignosRT Bladder Scanner to the American market. The device is nearly automatic, measuring the bladder size usingultrasound in a matter of seconds. Thedevice has already been available down under and is being used in by midwives, urologists, and in nursing homes […]

Neurotech Goes Global: Tens of Thousands of Brains Coming Online

NeuroVigil, the company that has developed high resolution and high throughput software algorithms to seek out changes in neurobiological activity from a single sensor, its proprietary iBrain portable neural monitor, has partnered with the American Senior Housing Association (ASHA) to gather tremendous quantities of new and highly useful data. The plan is to have thousands […]

Biomedical Technology

blind man is now able to see objects and people again, including his wife and family, for the first time in a decade. How? With the help of a bionic eye implant. Affected by a degenerative condition known as retinitis pigmentosa, Allen Zderad was effectively blind, unable to see anything but a bright light. As […]