LinkedIn Workshop stream video

Due to Hurricane Fiona, the workshop was postponed.Empower your personal brand with LinkedIn impactful profile. Come and learn the benefits the platform offers you and how to master your profile.

LinkedIn profile workshop has been moved 09-27-22

NEW DATE! Due to the pass of hurricane Fiona and everything that it caused, the workshop has been moved to September 27. Hope everyone okay! Stay strong and stay safe! Our condolences to those who lost everything and to those who lost any meaningful items.  LinkedIn Workshop Alert Do not miss out this unique opportunity … Read more

Linkedin Workshop at IEEE PR&C

Do not miss out this unique opportunity to learn how to create the perfect LinkedIn profile. This event will help improve your network and open new possibilities in your career as a student or professional. Come join us and start connecting with the world!

IEEE STB PUPR MD Promotional Table

1st PUPR IEEE promotional table of the academic year. We congratulate the students branch for their efforts and work. We will join them on August 22, 2022 in the IEEE PR&C TOUR.

PUPR Ceremony July 5, 2022

PUPR Ceremony July 5, 2022 Fue una hermosa experiencia retomar nuevamente la repartición de esclavinas para los graduandos de nuestra sección. Les deseamos a todos los miembros éxito en esta nueva fase como IEEE YP Puerto Rico & Caribbean Gracias a los voluntarios de PUPR por mantener siempre activa la rama estudiantil y el capítulo … Read more

Webinar: INROADS brand and growth at IEEE PR&C

Webinar: INROADS brand and growth at IEEE PR&CSpeaker: Brenda R. Williams Day: April 15, 2022Time: 6pm (GMT-4)Location: Remote video conference (zoom or google meets)*Invitations will be sent out via email to those who sign up” Link to sign up: SEMINAR TITLE:INROADS brand and growth at IEEE PR&CABOUT INROADS:INROADS is a nonprofit organization whose mission … Read more

RNR2021 – NSTBM2021

Repost from SAC Section Chair An amazing weekend, dedicate to all IEEE students and young professionals from Puerto Rico and Caribbean Section, to help volunteers to grow personal and professional. Reunion Nacional de Ramas (RNR) 2021 At Casa Carite, Guayama, Puerto Rico

Workshop Honeywell Internship

El Capítulo Estudiantil del Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (IEEE) les invita a ser parte de conocer más sobre las oportunidades de internado que nos afrece la compañía Honeywell.  JUEVES, 7 de octubre 2021 a las 3:00pm El taller se estará ofreciendo a través de la plataforma ZOOM.  Enlace:

Group package de $80

Ya comenzamos el registro oficial para la Reunion Nacional de Ramas Estudiantiles (RNR) 2021. Este año se llevará acabo en Casa Carite by the lake en Guayama, Puerto Rico (Espacios son limitados). Esta semana tenemos un group package de $80 (costo original $90) por persona para el registro para todo aquel que registre su grupo de 5 de miembros en o antes … Read more