Latest Past Events

Mock Interview

Electrical Engineering Department 3940 N Elm St., Denton

Time: 6:00pm Location: Discovery Park B242 Electrical Engineering Department Come by the Electrical Engineering department to participate in IEEE's Mock Interview where industry professionals will be available to conduct a mock interview with you! Take advantage of this opportunity to hone your interview skills before you go and do the real thing. Register via the link down below Registration


North Lakes Park 2009 W Windsor Dr, Denton

Come celebrate IEEE day with IEEE UNT and HKN at North Lakes park for some volleyball and golf at the North Lakes driving range! Time: 5:50pm

Resume Review

Electrical Engineering Department 3940 N Elm St., Denton

Time: 6:00pm Location: Discovery Park B242, Electrical Engineering Department Have a resume, but not confident in it? Come to this event to get your resume reviewed by industry professionals and hear what the industry is currently looking for! Bring multiple copies of your resume for notes and revisions for each reviewer.